Grace,  Kindness,  Love,  Mercy

Imitators of God – Ephesians 5:1

Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children.

What would Jesus do?

We have all heard this popular expression; however, we should not dismiss it as a cliché. Rather, if we truly want to become like Christ, when temptation or trials demand our responses, we should ask ourselves what Jesus would do. When anger, fear, immorality, slander, greed, or jealousy war against the Spirit of God within us, we should ask in sincerity and with a hunger for the truth what Jesus would do, and upon discerning the Christlike response to the need of moment, we should act in the way Jesus would act.  For as imitators of Christ, we please Him by consecrating ourselves and walking in a manner worthy of our high calling as Christians.[1]

When we followed Jesus Christ out of bondage into freedom, we became new creations, holy people, for the Lord our God is holy.[2] Immoral and selfish responses, being unprofitable for the kingdom, have no place among us since we have consecrated ourselves to bring glory to the Father, just as Christ’s sinless life and sacrificial death brought Him glory.[3]

Having hearts that respond to others with kindness and forgiveness should be the prize we seek, for such is the nature of Christ.[4] With eagerness to emulate our Lord, who is gracious and merciful to the ungrateful and unholy, we should demonstrate grace and mercy to all, including those who sin against us and despitefully use us.[5] To know Jesus Christ and to walk in love as He walked should be the passion of our minds and the desire of our hearts.[6]

How can we know what Jesus would do, so we can imitate Him? By developing a relationship with Him, bringing our concerns before Him,[7] listening to His Holy Spirit,[8] meditating on His Word,[9] and obeying His direction to demonstrate righteousness,[10] we will come to know Jesus’ mind and heart. By fulfilling our preordained roles within the body of Christ and laying down our lives, picking up our crosses daily, and following Him, we will become like Him.[11]

Next time you find yourself challenged, angered, tempted, or frightened, take a deep breath and think, what would Jesus do? How can I imitate Him in this situation and radiate the glory of God?  Listen as Wisdom tells you how Jesus would respond, and follow her instruction. Learn to behave with the character of Christ, and He will make you perfect in holiness, as He is perfect.[12]

[1] Ephesians 5:8-10

[2] Leviticus 11:45

[3] Philippians 2:8-10

[4] Ephesians 4:32

[5] Luke 6:35-36

[6] Philippians 3:7-11

[7] 1 Peter 5:7

[8] John 14:26

[9] 2 Timothy 3:16

[10] 1 John 2:3

[11] Matthew 16:24

[12] James 1:2-4, Matthew 5:48