In Harm’s Way – Matthew 14:13a
Now when Jesus heard about John, He withdrew from there in a boat to a secluded place by Himself.
Precious is the life God gives, and radiant is His glory shining through those who dedicate their lives to Him.
To reflect His brilliance, to break through the darkness with the penetrating light of Jesus Christ, is our honor and delight. To observe His miraculous work from the lofty vantage point in the holy place where He resides is our joy, and serving Him is our mission.
Therefore, we go into the world with confidence and determination, appreciating the life God has given us, holding this gift in high regard. We go in wisdom, guarding our lives, refusing to walk foolishly into danger, for our cause is too worthy to be jeopardized by imprudence. We go in obedience, following Christ’s example, protecting ourselves and keeping out of perilous places and unwise situations unless the Lord Himself sends us into harm’s way.
Look at Jesus and follow His example. When He heard about John’s death and Herod’s hatred of Him, He went away to a safe place outside of Herod’s jurisdiction. At another time, He stayed in Galilee away from the Jewish leaders who were plotting His death.[1] With legions of angels at His disposal, Christ did not retreat because He feared Herod or the Jewish leaders.[2] Nor was He unwilling to endure whatever the Father planned for Him as He proved by unfaltering obedience which led Him to the cross.[3] Rather Jesus was guarding His life since the time of His sacrificial death had not yet come.[4] Desiring to perform all that His Father had chosen for Him, Jesus did not expose Himself prematurely to those who would destroy Him.
Likewise, we need to exercise discernment, prudence, and caution in our ministry, not cavalierly putting ourselves at uncalled for risk, whether physical, emotional, or financial, but rather being careful stewards of that which the Lord has entrusted to us. Just as Jesus stopped walking openly with the Jews who plotted His death,[5] we must be wise as serpents, careful to be where the Lord directs us,[6] so we may accomplish the good works our Father prepared for us in Christ Jesus.[7]
Be confident of this one thing – when you walk with the Lord, obediently going where He sends you, neither going one step beyond where He sends, nor one step short, He will instruct you in the way you should go.[8] Therefore, follow where He directs you, and He will preserve your life, making it prosperous in the place He consecrated for you.[9]
To shine in Jesus’ brilliance
Is our honor and delight
To dedicate ourselves to
The truth, the way, the light
Is the holy calling
Of those who gladly serve
The Lord in places preordained
Whose life God will preserve
For the fruitful ministry
That in wisdom, He defined
For the holy, perfect work
He Himself designed
Therefore, be attentive
As Christ leads you to the path
Where the Father has prepared
A work on His behalf
[1] John 7:1
[2] Matthew 26:53
[3] Matthew 26:42
[4] John 7:8
[5] John 11:53-54
[6] John 11:8-10
[7] Ephesians 2:10
[8] Psalm 25:12
[9] Deuteronomy 5:29-33