Incorruptible – Numbers 22:18
Balaam replied to the servants of Balak, “Though Balak were to give me his house full of silver and gold, I could not do anything, either small or great, contrary to the command of the Lord my God.”
Our lips proclaim our fidelity to the Lord and our commitment to walk with Him in perfect integrity while our hearts may be telling another story. Like Balaam, we may make a laudable pretense of being incorruptible and firmly committed to following the Lord wherever He leads, but in truth, we may be seeking His guidance with our fingers crossed since, having predetermined what we want, we have fixed our plans. We may kneel in prayer, not to gain His direction, but to get His permission to follow our own devices.
Consider Balaam. The Lord had previously told him not to go to Moab; He even explained Himself. Balaam knew what he should do, but rather than following the Lord’s instruction, he decided to mull over Balak’s tempting proposition and inquire of the Lord about it a second time.[1] In other words, he asked again in the hope of getting the answer he preferred. He wanted the riches and honor promised him by the Moabites, so he set aside what he knew he should do and rushed headlong into error for the sake of gain.[2]
We act much the same when we allow ourselves to dally with some course of action that we know does not meet the high standard of righteousness clearly laid out in the Word of God. We ask when we know better. We ask, ignoring the Spirit’s leading, in our eagerness to obtain our objective though it moves us into undesirable territory. In so doing, we expose ourselves to the danger of being overcome by temptation and falling into blatant disobedience, and where does our disobedience lead? It carries us to the most undesirable of states. For once we turn away from righteousness and give way to sin, our words of fidelity to the Lord will ring hollow as our hearts betray us, leaving us in a pitiful and unenviable place for those who call ourselves followers of Jesus Christ.
Make your heart’s story louder and clearer than what you say. Privately bow before the Lord and without guile or schemes, seek His will, asking Him to lead you away from temptation and to deliver you from evil.[3] Guard your integrity, so when the God of righteousness examines the intents of your heart,[4] He will find no duplicity from a secret agenda that contradicts noble words. Hunger for truth and wisdom, for this will be pleasing to the Lord, and He will lead you in paths of righteousness and make you incorruptible.[5]
[1] Numbers 22:12, 16-20
[2] Jude 11
[3] Matthew 6:13
[4] Jeremiah 12:3
[5] Proverbs 8:20