Beauty,  Discernment,  Gentleness,  Grace,  Humility

Inner Beauty – 1 Peter 3:3-4

Your adornment must not be merely external– braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God.

As Aaron wore a pure gold medallion on his forehead that was inscribed, “Holy to the Lord,”[1] those committed to holiness wear the glory of the Lord on our countenance.  We no longer need a jewel-covered chest piece, tunic of fine linen, and embroidered headdress to make us worthy to enter into the presence of God.[2]  We are radiant in the joy of our betrothal to Jesus Christ, which binds us to Him forever in righteousness, justice, loving-kindness, compassion, and faithfulness.[3]  The covering of our salvation, given to us as a wedding present from the Lord, grants us access into the Holy of Holies, where we stand as beloved sons and daughters before the King who rules the universe in power and majesty.

Those who spend excessive time, resources, and strength adorning themselves in pursuit of the fleeting and perishable adoration of others are chasing the wind.  Admiration lasts for a mere moment, and outward appearances, while they may turn the head of a shallow observer, do not impress the Lord.[4]  For He knows that feigned charm is deceitful and skin deep beauty is vanity, while true praise and high regard belong to those who fear Him and desire His wisdom.[5]  He will adorn these earnest seekers after righteousness with the imperishable qualities of a gentle and quiet spirit[6] as He places a garland of grace on their heads and presents them with a crown of beauty.[7]

Let the purity of your love for Christ be the jewels around your neck, and let your exemplary life be your elegant, embroidered covering, so your inner beauty will shine through, and those around you will plainly see that you have set yourself apart as holy to the Lord.[8]

Covered not in richest gems

Diamonds, rubies have no place

For Jesus’ crown illuminates

The beauty of her lovely face

Her radiance shines in the joy

Of a bride with her betrothed

Though silken dresses she has not

Not one more beautifully is clothed

Righteousness brings eminence

More valuable than luscious furs

Perfume from Paris could not bring

A fragrance lovelier than hers

Her heart’s adorned in graciousness

Mercy and love her coverings

Truth and kindness the shoes she wears

And gentleness the gift she brings

[1] Exodus 28:36-38

[2] Exodus 28:15-31, 40

[3] Hosea 2:19-20

[4] 1 Samuel 16:7

[5] Proverbs 31:30

[6] 1 Peter 3:4

[7] Proverbs 4:9

[8] Leviticus 20:26 Deuteronomy 7:6