Humility,  Integrity,  Truth

Integrity – Proverbs 11:1

A false balance is an abomination to the Lord, but a just weight is His delight.

“Is it wrong to include this on my résumé since I have done something similar?”  “Do I have to report this small amount as income on my taxes?” 

Some might call these moral dilemmas.  We have an opportunity to gain something, but we must distort the truth to realize the benefit.  We argue that it would require the tiniest of white lies; thereby causing no harm.  If we embellish our résumé, we would have an advantage in our job search.  If we understate our income, we might qualify for some government benefit, and on and on.

Blessedly, we need not surrender to the temptation to deceive, for we have the Spirit of Truth to guide us and to guard our integrity.[1]  Christ’s teaching is clear.  We need not ponder the appropriateness of an action that would require us to be dishonest even in the slightest degree.  Rather, we should consider the matter no further since we know that indulging in dishonesty would associate us with the father of lies[2] and lead us off the Highway of Holiness[3] into back alleys where we should not go. 

Temptation to stray from the truth as we travel along the road of transforming grace will come, for Christians are not immune from temptation.  However, we do have the power through the indwelling Holy Spirit to overcome it.  Occasions will arise to make the struggle difficult, and falsehood may win out at times, but as we keep our eyes on the promise of greater fellowship with Christ, we will learn that gains achieved through unrighteousness are no gains at all.  Rather, such gains become weights around our necks, and none but the delusional and foolish think they can live a life of joy thus encumbered.

By grace, as we draw near to Jesus Christ, He cleanses us from the corrupting power of deceitfulness.[4]  He invites us to walk with Him on His holy hill when we do what is right and speak what is true.[5]  Integrity and uprightness will protect us, preserving our souls and leaving untruthfulness no place within us,[6] 

Bind truth around your neck; write it on the tablet of your heart.[7]  Walk in security as a lover of the truth,[8] and the Lord your God will be a shield about you, guarding your paths and preserving your way.[9]

[1] John 15:26

[2] John 8:44

[3] Isaiah 35:8

[4] 1 John 1:7

[5] Psalm 15:1-2

[6] Psalm 25:21

[7] Proverbs 3:3

[8]Proverbs 10:9

[9] Proverbs 2:7-8