Faith,  Strength

Jesus, the Cornerstone – Isaiah 28:16

Therefore thus says the Lord God, “Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a tested stone, A costly cornerstone for the foundation, firmly placed. He who believes in it will not be disturbed.”

Jesus is the tested and costly cornerstone of our faith.  He is the rock upon whom we stand, the one true and solid foundation we can base our lives upon without fear that a landslide will destroy our peace, an earthquake will crumple our hope, or a gale wind will blow away our faith.  His works are perfect, for He is a God of honor.  In His uprightness, He allows only justice to prevail in His courts.[1]  He is the way, the truth, and the life, a majestic king ruling in glory over His people, a faithful friend standing beside, before, and behind His beloved.

As we call upon Jesus in His excellent greatness, He is our salvation, the One who brings us out of the shadowy darkness into His spectacular light, making us righteous through His righteousness.[2]  He is our teacher and counselor.  He binds our hearts to His, sealing our adoption into God’s family, and He gives us confidence and security in our privileged association with Him.  He is our all sufficiency, and when our fortitude melts away as if it were wax on a scorching day, we will not collapse altogether.  For in the Lord’s kindness and mercy toward us, He will hasten to undergird us, so we will stand.[3]

As you approach each day, plant your feet upon the cornerstone, Jesus Christ, letting nothing steal away your peace.  Fix your hope on Jesus, and delight in the revelation of who He is.[4]  Whether in tranquil or calamitous times, do not look to any created thing as your savior, rather look to the Holy One, for He is your help.[5]  Believe in Jesus, your mighty tower, your stronghold, for He will not disappoint you.[6]  Obey His commandments, and not do allow distractions and temptations to turn your eyes away from Him.  Stand in His truth,[7] and He, the Lord Most High, will keep you secure on the high and stable ground where you will reside in the His dwelling place, resting safely in your Father’s arms.[8]

Beautiful as lofty mountains

Cool, refreshing as the streams

  Running in the wilderness

     Is the life my Savior brings

Reaching higher than the heavens

Filling all the great expanse

   Shining holiness and wisdom

      To the days of life enhanced

Pure and perfect justice

Greatness, greatly to be praised

   Loving-kindness is the banner

       Over me, my God has raised

Firm and solid the foundation

   Of the Rock beneath my feet

Mighty are the angels

   Standing to my foes defeat

Glorious, majestic

   Is the King, who reigns supreme

Wonderful the gifts He gives

   Exceeding every dream

[1] Deuteronomy 32:3-4

[2] 1 Peter 2:9-10

[3] Psalm 22:14-19

[4] 1 Peter 1:13

[5] Isaiah 31:1

[6] Romans 10:11

[7] Daniel 9:13

[8] Isaiah 31:5