Joyful Noise – Psalm 98:4
Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth; break forth and sing for joy and sing praises.
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord. Sing praises before Him for He is splendid and mighty, greatly deserving of our praise. Bless His holy name for He is highly exalted in heaven and on earth.[1] Lift your voice to glorify Him, for He is glorious indeed. Rejoice in His awesome majesty, for His glory covers the earth.[2]
Lay your distractions at the doorstep as you gather with the Lord’s people to worship Him. Go with an undivided heart, a heart committed to pleasing the King and giving Him the reverence due to the Creator of everything in heaven and earth, the One who made the stars and arranged them into the constellations.[3] Praise the Lord with all your heart and soul, allowing no encumbrance to inhibit your praise.
Enter into praise with a repentant heart, recognizing that though you have sinned and fall short of God’s glory, He has granted you righteousness through the redemption of Christ and made you worthy to enter into His royal throne room.[4] In preparation for worship,allow Jesus to wash you and remove all that is evil from your life.[5] Go before your Lord with a desire to please Him, and anticipate the joy with which He will receive our offering of praise, for He delights in the praise of His people.[6] Go in sincerity and faith, hungering for a closer relationship with God, desiring that He would purify you in the fount of holiness. Go in love and adoration, for the Lord desires to have first place in your life,that you would love Him with all your heart, and soul, and strength. Go in truth and with passion, knowing that the Lord will not accept anything from those with hearts polluted by impurity or with devotion made insincere by unfaithfulness, for He will cast such people away from His presence.[7]
Rejoice as you go before the Lord, and make a joyful noise. Go in worship, and go in exultation. Go in love, delighting in your God, lifting up your praise to Him, and the Lord will accept your offering, finding it pleasing in His sight.
[1] Psalm 48:1, Psalm 47:9
[2] Psalm 66:3
[3] Amos 5:8
[4] Romans 3:23-24
[5] Isaiah 1:16
[6] Psalm 149:4
[7] Amos 5:23