Faith,  Kindness,  Love,  Peace

Kindness – 2 Timothy 2:24-25

The Lord’s bond-servant must not be quarrelsome, but be kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged, with gentleness correcting those who are in opposition, if perhaps God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth.

Beautiful are the souls of those who attain kindness, for glory shines upon them as they make it their own.  Their kindness cheers them as they extend it freely, without reserve, not to some, not only to those who are kind in return, who are competent, polite, and helpful, but to all.  For true kindness extends to the person on the phone who cannot or will not accomplish the simplest task; the rude ticket agent; the condescending salesperson; and the telemarketer who intrudes on a Sunday afternoon nap.

High and lofty though the sentiment, surely the Lord is not calling us to put aside indignation over the failure of others to serve us with efficacy and treat us with the respect our self-serving hearts demand.  Obviously, He could not expect us to be kind when we are unquestionably not getting our own way.

To our great joy and benefit, He is, and He does!  For Jesus teaches about a kindness that rises above our natural human response to reach to heaven’s heights, a transforming kindness that loves others without condition and desires their welfare over our own needs, a kindness flowing from a heart tendered by Jesus’ love, a heart so radically changed that gentleness reigns over baser emotions.  The Holy Spirit reveals to us the beauty of kindness in action.  Once we have felt its effects, He makes it our desire, causing us to petition the Father for it as we ask Him to bury its treasures deep within us and to teach us to spend lavishly from its trove.[1]

Delight the Father and your own soul by clothing yourself in kindness, by wearing it like a covering that will withstand the harsh winds of controversy and deprivation.  Seek to understand what kindness looks like when all your humanness demands retaliation, and upon seeing kindness, embrace it.  Surround it with the praiseworthy attributes of righteousness, faith, and peace to help it flourish.[2]  Together they will teach you about a love that “is not provoked and does not take into account a wrong suffered, a love that bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things.”[3]

Rejoice in the Lord, and ask Him to imbue you with kindness.  Pray that He will soften your heart and purify your soul, so you will become an instrument for His kingdom, touching those around you by your gentle spirit.[4]

Oh, the joy and benefit

Of kindness reaching heaven’s heights

How my lips would sing out, “Glory”

Were I to dwell in its delights

Oh, the radiance, the beauty

How the love of

 God would shine

In my yielded mind, my manner

Were I to make true kindness mine

How glorious the clothing

Worn by the tendered, gentle heart

How deep the peace, how true the joy

Of those whom kindness sets apart

[1] Proverbs 2:1-5

[2] 2 Timothy 2:22

[3] 1 Corinthians 13:5-7

[4] Philippians 4:4-5