Kindness – Proverbs 3:3
Do not let kindness and truth leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.
Oh, the joy of joys that awaits you if you love kindness and allow it to cover you like a radiant garment, beautiful and exquisite, drawing those who see it to the One who clothed you in it, and causing them to wonder how they may acquire one like it.
Take kindness into your heart; desire to own it and strive to demonstrate it. Put it on and wear it with joy and gratitude. Nourish it, allowing it to give you a tender and generous spirit that naturally serves others in humility.[1] Pursue it out of your love for Christ and your desire to honor Him, and having attained it, thank God for blessing you with an abundance of it, knowing that as you use the kindness the Lord has given to you, He will give you an even greater supply. For as one whom God has chosen, as one who is holy and beloved, extend kindness to those in your family, those with whom you work, and those you pass along your way.[2] Delight in carrying it to your fellow sojourners along with mercy, and watch as kindness takes root within you until the fragrant bouquet of a Christlike spirit pervades your home, workplace, and neighborhood.
Be attentive as the Spirit teaches you about a kindness that bubbles forth from the soul of the believer who longs to become more like Christ and to participate more fully in His kindness. Exercise it with gladness when the Lord nudges you to perform some compassionate act, and enter into the joy of lavish giving and extravagant kindness. Gladden your heart by taking flowers to a shut-in, a meal to a family under stress, a gift to a child less fortunate than your own. Look for opportunities to bring cheer to those with whom your life intersects, whether by blood or by chance. Reach out to lessen another’s load, to help carry a friend’s burden, heavy or light.
Never allow kindness to leave
you. Keep it always in your thoughts,
allowing it to form your words and direct your actions, and you will find life,
righteousness, and honor.[3] Trade the pursuit
of pleasure for the rich reward that comes with graciousness born out a kind
heart, and you will do good to your soul,[4] for rather than experiencing the fleeting, counterfeit
satisfaction selfishness gives, you will know the sustaining excellence of
fellowship with Jesus.[5]
Oh, my heart, try living on the wings of giving
Soar in the joy of graciousness
Trade self-centered blindness for extravagant kindness
Rejoice in the freedom mercy brings
Oh, my heart, be lighter as love grows brighter
As generosity flows from your gratitude
Counting not the cost as something lost
For you can only give what He first gave you
Oh, my heart, be tender, let your love surrender
To the Spirit as He leads your forth
Let compassion flow and loving kindness grow
So the Lord’s true heart will abide in me
Oh, my heart, be daring in luxuriant caring
Delight in serving with humility
Give what none deserves, holding no reserves
And you will find a rare but better way
[1] 1 Peter 5:5
[2] Colossians 3:12
[3] Proverbs 21:21
[4] Proverbs 11:17
[5] 1 John 1:1-4