Hope,  Obedience,  Purity,  Purpose,  Strength,  Trust

Knowing Jesus – Philippians 3:8a

…I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.

Knowing Jesus is our joy and our delight.   

Therefore, search for Him that you might know Him, not just to know of Him, but to know Him, and in knowing Him, to have a deep personal relationship with Him.  Seek Him that He might give you a heart capable of knowing Him,[1] of knowing the breadth, and length, and height, and depth of His love, which surpasses knowledge.[2]  Listen for Him to speak to you, so you will recognize His voice, and as you hear Him guiding you, follow Him.[3]  Return His love for you by loving Him.[4]  Desire closer fellowship with Him, so you may see the beauty of His character, which is shaped by devotion, purity, peacefulness, gentleness, reasonableness, mercy, fruitfulness, steadfastness, and honesty,[5] and upon seeing Him, hunger for a character like His.  Draw near the throne of grace and make Him your refuge, so your eyes may see and your soul behold His wondrous works.[6]

In response to Jesus’ call, take His yoke upon you and learn from Him, for He is gentle and humble in heart, and in Him, you will find rest for your soul.[7]  Open your heart, throwing wide its doors, and invite the Lord to enter in to dine and dwell with you.[8]  Talk to Him about your innermost thoughts, questions, and desires; and He will teach you how to live as He draws you ever closer to Himself.  Confess your deepest, most shameful sins before Him, and He will show you His compassion.  He will embrace you in spite of your basest transgressions, softly saying, “Does no one remain who condemns you?  Neither do I condemn you.”[9]  Make Him your constant companion, and you will see the abundant loving-kindness and tender mercies upon which He brings you fresh joy as you rise from your rest to greet the awaiting day. 

Pursue Jesus.  Search for Him with a truth-seeking heart, and be assured that as you do, you will find Him.[10]  Upon finding Him, embrace the friendship He offers you.  Follow Him as He leads you to lofty places.[11] Ask Him to enlighten you, so you can understand the precious knowledge of Him.  Welcome Him as your best friend and most faithful companion, for knowing Him is more valuable than all else in life combined. 

Get to know Jesus, for in Him and Him alone, you will find a pearl of unmatched worth.

Blessed Jesus, my Beloved
Prince of Kindness, Joy, and Peace
Savior of the lost and hopeless
From sin’s chains, my soul release

Jesus, brilliant star of morning
Flood my life with warmth and light
From my mind, cast out the darkness
By Your touch, my eyes give sight

Precious Savior, King, Redeemer
Lord of all, Emmanuel
To Your knock, my heart I’ve opened
Come within to dine and dwell

My beloved, gentle Shepherd
Shepherd me; Your call I hear
Walking through the door into life
I come, abandoning all fear

[1] Jeremiah 24:7

[2] Ephesians 3:18-19

[3] John 10:27

[4] 1 John 4:19

[5] James 3:17

[6] Psalm 73:28

[7] Matthew 11:28-29

[8] Revelation 3:20

[9] John 8:10-11

[10] Jeremiah 29:13

[11] Exodus 15:13, 17