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Life Verses – Psalm 119:11

Your word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against You.

Riches beyond measure, gladness beyond compare, and power beyond defeat are ours when we delight in the law of the Lord,[1] for the Word of God is more desirable than the finest gold, sweeter than the purest honey, and stronger than most powerful weapons made with mortal hands.[2]  Each Scripture committed to your heart and mind adds another diamond to your breastplate of truth, hope, faith, and love even as its verses become healers of your soul and defenders of your heart against the wiles of the enemy.

Out of my love for the Word and its Author has grown the desire to hide Scripture in my heart.  Every memorized verse protects and undergirds me as I face the vicissitudes of life and struggle with my own sin and lack of loving-kindness.  The dearest of the dear to me, the sweetest of the sweet, have become my life verses, intertwining with the rhythm of my heartbeat.  They bathe my mind; they soothe me, comfort me, and make me brave.  Each day, they draw me further from my sin and closer to my Beloved. 

My treasured verses are never far from my thoughts and lips.  When my soul weeps over those who have chosen to remain separated from the Lord, I pray from Psalm 51 as I ask the Lord to “create in me a clean heart…and renew a steadfast spirit within me,” so I may be able to teach transgressors His ways and to see sinners converted to Him.[3]  When I am fearful, He calms my mind as He tells me through His Word not to fear or anxiously look about me, for He is with me, upholding me with His righteous right hand.[4]  When circumstances would rob my peace, I reason, “Why are you in despair, O my soul, and why have you become disturbed within me.  Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him,”[5] and when I feel unloved and unlovable, He tells me that I am His beloved.[6] 

Build up an arsenal of life verses, so they will stand ready to defend you against worry, fear, attack, and temptation.  As a rich man hungers for gold, hunger for God’s Word.  Bury it within the deepest recess of your innermost being, and you will have at your disposal overflowing storehouses of wealth that bring abundance though famine may overtake the lands around you.  Fill your heart and mind with the Word, and its treasures will unfold before you, shining light upon your path.[7]   

Pure and holy
Perfect, absolute, and true
Everlasting treasure
Eternal, each day new

Ordained in heaven
Riches flowing from its throne
Our delight and goodness
For all men and yet my own

Better than the purest silver
More valuable than gold
Settled firm in heaven
Powerful and bold

Sweeter than the finest honey
A lamp unto my feet
Wonderful and precious
Flawless and complete

Shining light from heaven
Breathed into the hearts of men
Wisdom and understanding
Bringing righteousness again

Living and ever active
Sharper than any sword
Piercing far as bone and marrow
Drawing to the Lord

[1] Psalm 1:1-2

[2] Psalm 19:10, Ephesians 6:17 

[3] Psalm 51:10, 13

[4] Isaiah 41:10

[5] Psalm 42:11

[6] Romans 1:7

[7] Psalm 119:130

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