Listening – Job 21:2
Listen carefully to my speech, and let this be your way of consolation.
Job pleaded with his friends to stop the strident drum roll of their advice, but rather to console him by listening to him. However, they were far from a listening mood. Feeling the imperative to share their rich insights and holy recommendations, these “friends” ignored Job’s plea, and instead of comforting him, they tormented him.
Does this have a ring of familiarity? Have you been there? Who has not? Far too often, our minds go into frenetic problem-solving mode when friends share their struggles with us. We naturally assume they want our sage advice, our ready-made solutions, or our ardent commiseration. Sadly, we oftentimes could not be further from discerning the need of the moment. Rather than a response, they may require someone to listen to the ramblings of their minds as they try to sort through the particulars of their struggle and attempt to bring order out of chaos. They may be searching for direction onto the God-directed path before them, not our idea of what that should be. They may need to let their ideas, pain, and fears stream forth to a friend who will sit beside them attentively, silently listening.
In our folly and to our shame, “wisdom” sometimes rushes forth from our lips before we have even heard what another has to say.[1] Our intentions may be good, but the result may be that we, after congratulating ourselves on the magnanimity of our willingness to provide invaluable free counsel, leave a troubled heart still searching for a loving ear and a comforting shoulder.
Oh Lord, make us good listeners, enabling us to serve one
another with kindness and mercy. Teach
us to incline our ears to You and to listen carefully for Your Spirit-led
response, so we might touch those who entrust us with the knowledge of their
sorrows and afflictions.[2] Give us discernment to know the time for
words and the time for silence, and when Your Spirit guides us to speak, may
the words of our mouths and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable in Your
that they may be edifying and give grace to those who hear.[4]
[1] Proverbs 18:13
[2] Isaiah 55:3
[3] Psalm 19:14
[4] Ephesians 4:29