Lordship of Christ – Mark 8:34b
If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.
“Count the cost,” Jesus tells us, “for discipleship is costly.[1]
A life dedicated to serving Christ is not for the pleasure and wealth seeker, rather the Lord’s disciples must be willing to release their grip on secular goods and pursuits to take hold of that which brings true profit and has eternal value.[2] They must turn from a focus on accumulation and gratification, recognizing that wealth and luxury will pass away, for only what is done for Christ will last. They must obey Christ as they travel along the way to holiness, submitting to His Lordship, laying aside personal agendas to take up the banner of the Lord of lords, King of kings, recognizing that only through many tribulations will they enter the kingdom of God.[3]
Christ calls you to follow Him with a heart yielded to the Father, just as He yielded His own heart. He asks for your trust, faith, and obedience as He leads you, His beloved, through the narrow gate.[4] As your Brother, who Himself walked on this earth, Christ does not ask you for that which He does not know, for He knows the cost of obedience more than any person who has ever lived. Though He fell in agony on His face as the day of His crucifixion drew near, asking His Father, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me,” even then, He put the Father’s will above His own.[5] Understanding the benefit His death would have for all who would receive His gift of salvation and the glory that awaited Him, He counted His sacrifice worth the cost.
Though camouflaged as delightful and appealing, the world’s treasures lead away from Christ when you set your heart on them, making them your god over the true God of heaven and earth. The wise understand that real wealth comes through absolute devotion to Jesus Christ, through following Him according to His terms, not according to plans performed in His name but devised for personal benefit.
If you would become Christ’s disciple, you must have a passion for Him, for you cannot accomplish anything by following Christ halfheartedly, with one foot in the kingdom and one in the world, for the Lord rejects lukewarm faith and partial obedience.[6]
Count the cost, and upon finding the benefit of gaining Christ Jesus well worth the sacrifice of worthless, perishing pursuits, become His disciple; take up your cross and follow Him. [7]
Although I heard the Savior’s voice
Say, “Darling, sail with Me,”
I clung to what I knew, I saw
Afraid to set out on the sea
But when at last with confidence
In Jesus’ far, far better plan
I cut the ropes that kept me moored
And bound to the dry land
I sailed into the vast unknown
With my galley stripped and bare
My provisions were a trusting heart
And assurance I could dare
To lay my hopes, my dreams, desires
Before the Throne of Grace
And let the sweet breeze carry me
To a joy-filled, fruitful place
Reflecting on the places
Winds carried wide and high
I can barely comprehend
What my heart cannot deny
The kingdom work the Lord performed
Through my fragile, leaky ship
And that my Savior is well pleased
I embarked upon this trip
To cut my ties, give up my plans
Saying, “Jesus, lead me on
Let me ride upon the waves
And behold the breaking dawn.”
[1] Luke 14:28-32 (paraphrased)
[2] Luke 9:24
[3] Acts 14:22c
[4] Matthew 7:13-14
[5] Matthew 26:39
[6] Revelation 3:15-16
[7] Galatians 2:20