Loss of a Friend – Psalm 30:11
You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have loosed my sackcloth and girded me with gladness.
Some time ago, I lost my lifelong, beloved friend, Joan, to breast cancer. I loved her as a sister. My loss of her friendship was profound, for through every significant event in my adult life, she was beside me, supporting me. She tempered me with her patience, her kindness, and her sweetness. She was a second mother to my children.
As I waited in the hospital with Joan’s family for the Lord to take her home, I was near despair at the thought of losing her. My despair was not for her because I knew she was going to Paradise, rather I despaired for her family and for myself. How could we face life without Joan?
Through my sobs in the waiting room, I heard the Lord, who is the joy in my soul, the peace in my mind, and my refuge in the storm, as He whispered, “Come unto me.[1] I will walk with you through this valley of the shadow of death; I will comfort you.[2] I will always be with you.[3] Do not be troubled; trust in Me.”[4]
For the rest of my life, I will
miss my dearest friend, but the Lord has proven Himself faithful to turn my
mourning into joy. He called me that day
to a deeper conviction of the truth of His promises; a richer walk by faith,
not by sight; and a more profound trust.
He showed me that even as I was losing someone irreplaceable, He would
not leave a vacancy in my life. He
clothed me with gladness as He allowed me to understand what an exceptional
gift Joan’s friendship had been, and He filled my heart with praise for Him as
I rested in the assurance that she sits at Jesus’ feet in Paradise.[5]
My friend, I know you are in Paradise
Sitting at the feet of Jesus
Face to face with the King of the universe
Our Lord took your hand and led you
Through the gate of pearl
And into the city of pure, transparent gold
He showed you to the room He had prepared for you
In our Father’s mansion
Jesus wiped away every tear
And you feel no more pain or sorrow
You have fullness of joy
And you sing praises to God with a chorus of angels
Through my pain, the Lord is assuring me that you are safe
For you rest beneath our Father’s wings
Delighting in His glory and majesty
Losing you left a vacant place in my heart,
Which only the Lord’s love can fill
I will miss you, for I treasured your friendship
Something lovely and rare has gone out of my life
My heart tells me that God’s grace is sufficient for me
I know that this is true
The Lord blesses and comforts me in my mourning
I trust Him with my pain for He has proven Himself trustworthy
I love you, dearest of friends,
My memory of you is sweet
The Lord blessed me greatly with the gift of your friendship
[1] Matthew 11:28
[2] Psalm 23:4
[3] Matthew 28:20
[4] John 14:1
[5] Revelation 3:21