Faith,  Love,  Trust

Loving Jesus – John 12:3

Mary then took a pound of very costly perfume of pure nard, and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped His feet with her hair; and the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.

Has love for Jesus Christ captivated your heart, and does it show?

Does the sweet perfume of your devotion to Him permeate your surroundings with a fragrance that refreshes those near you, drawing them to Jesus, as you tell others His life-giving Good News?  Does the peace of God rule over your heart and mind, and does His holy Word dwell within you, causing wisdom, encouragement, and thanksgiving to flow from your lips?[1] Has the character of Jesus taken hold in your life, and is the fruit of His Spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control – demonstrated in your outward appearances, inner qualities, and innermost thoughts?[2] Do you season your comments with praiseworthy and profitable words, so you will bring grace to those who hear them?[3]

Do not feel discouraged if you fall short, being unable to affirm that love for Jesus fills all the spaces in your heart. We all fall short, but the light shines ahead, illuminating our path, promising to transform us.  For when we committed to living holy lives, we started a lifelong journey that leads us ever closer to a pure love, an active and fruitful love, a spirit-controlling love, for Jesus.  Therefore, be encouraged by the joy that awaits you, and stay on the road taking you closer to pure love. Pursue Jesus with all of your strength, obediently walking in the way His Word instructs, and faithfully following as His Spirit leads.[4]  Love Him, and you will grow nearer to His likeness and closer to answering, “Yes, I love Jesus and my love for Him controls everything I think, do, and say.”

Set your heart and soul on seeking the Lord, Your God, and on building a sanctuary of the Lord God within your heart, that His holiness might fill you.[5] Deepen your relationship with Jesus by bathing yourself in God’s Word and saturating your mind with worthy, true, wholesome, pleasant, and righteous thoughts.  Sing praise for the refreshing, exhilarating joy you find in the throne room of the King.[6] Kneel before Him as your Lord, pouring out your most costly possession, your heart, over His feet, washing them with the tears of joy that come from knowing our gentle Lord and from abiding in Him.

Lord, Your loving-kindness is better than life.[7]  We love You, praise You, and glorify You.  With everything that is within us, we bless Your holy name.[8]

Chief among ten thousand

Fairest man among all men

Higher than the kings of earth

None other is like Him

Altogether beautiful

Dazzling and glowing

His head is as the finest gold

None other is like Him

Stately like a cedar tree

Awesome as a full array

Of soldiers set for battle

None other is like Him

The desire of all nations

The seal across my heart

A fire that no flood can quench

None other is like Him

[1] Colossians 3:15-16

[2] Galatians 5:22-23

[3] Colossians 4:6

[4] Deuteronomy 10:12-13

[5] 1 Chronicles 22:19

[6] Acts 3:19

[7] Psalm 63:3

[8] Psalm 104:1