Lying – Ephesians 4:25
Therefore, laying aside falsehood, speak truth each one of you with his neighbor, for we are members of one another.
The Lord, who is truth incarnate, hates a lying tongue and false witness; such things are abominations to Him.[1] Revelations warns that liars will find themselves unwelcome in the holy city, separated from the saints and relegated to the company of cowards, unbelievers, murderers, and idolaters.[2] The Scriptures go on to say that the kingdom of heaven has no place for those who love and blatantly practice lying, and such persons will be kept outside the city’s jasper walls along with sorcerers and immoral persons.[3]
Those who love Jesus would not want to do that which is abominable to Him nor would they want to find themselves associated with evil people. Therefore, we need to set a sentinel over our tongues to keep us from speaking any form of falsehood,[4] including half-truths, white lies, flattery, embellishments, equivocations, deception, and untrue accusations. We need to bathe our minds in the truth, meditating on the Scriptures and allowing the Holy Spirit to breathe integrity into our hearts, the place from which our words proceed. Armed thus with understanding, we will neither be lulled into complacency nor deceived into thinking that we can convince our holy God, who is abundant in loving-kindness and truth,[5] that our untruthfulness is justified. Truth does not acquiesce to lying even under the most difficult or extenuating circumstances, for our Father calls us to a truthfulness that reaches into our innermost beings,[6] and He offers us no less than shining righteousness when we turn away from any association with lies to embrace the truth.
Our God, mindful of our struggle in the flesh, in His kindness and faithfulness, has given us a Helper to travel with us along the straight and narrow roadway of truthfulness. For the journey would be too difficult if we did not have the One, “who is able to keep you from stumbling and to make you stand in the presence of glory blameless with great joy.â€[7] Therefore, allow the indwelling Spirit to keep you grounded in the truth.
Praise God for paving the
righteous way for us by laying down His life, that we might dwell in the
radiant light of integrity and breathe the pure air of truthfulness. Lay aside all falsehood; walk in the truth,
and you will emulate the Lord of Glory, Jesus Christ, He who is full of grace
and truth.[8]
[1] Proverbs 6:16-19
[2] Revelation 21:8
[3] Revelation 22:15
[4] Psalm 34:13
[5] Exodus 34:6
[6] Psalm 51:6
[7] Jude 24
[8] John 1:14