Meddling – Proverbs 26:17
It is better to take hold of a mad dog by the ears than to take part in someone else’s argument.[1]
The unwise rush in where the cautious and prudent refuse to go.
Those wishing to be golden vessels, useful in the King’s household, pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace while listening for the Spirit to lead them into service, rather than interjecting themselves into quarrels not their own.[2] For those who avoid a fight, dignify themselves with honor,[3] while busybodies stir up strife, bringing themselves to shame.
The Lord appoints the timing of things, the time to speak and the time to be silent, the time to mediate, and the time to stay apart.[4] While He calls us to speak the truth in love,[5] to admonish those within the body of Christ who are walking in sin in the hope of restoring them,[6] and to be peacemakers between those striving against each other,[7] the Lord sends forth or holds back according to His plan. Therefore, if we are wise, we will seek to discern His leading before rushing into a dispute. If Jesus Himself refused to get in the middle of a disagreement between brothers,[8] how much more careful should we be before getting involved in another’s quarrel. Prayer must pave our path and discernment must direct our feet before we venture out as the Lord’s ministers of reconciliation in a conflict. Otherwise, we become no better than busybodies and gossips by meddling in business not our own.
Do you see others sinning? Pray. Do you see quarrels and divisions? Pray and ask the Lord to intervene by bringing conviction of sin, tender-heartedness, repentance, and restoration. Pray for greater love between those in conflict. Pray for increased knowledge and sensitivity,[9] and follow the Lord’s direction as to your role in the matter. If He sends into the fray, go; if He holds you back, stay back.
Do not be deceived into acting imprudently. Be wise, and shine as a light to those who do not see the Light. Lead a quiet, consecrated life, performing your work with dignity and integrity while attending to your own affairs.[10] Demonstrate God’s love by obeying the Spirit of Truth in your service to Him and others, and He will direct your steps along the path of life and use you as a holy vessel of honor.[11]
[1] The Contemporary English version
[2] 2 Timothy 2:20-26
[3] Proverbs 20:3
[4] Ecclesiastes 3:1, 7
[5] Ephesians 4:15
[6] Matthew 18:15
[7] Matthew 5:9
[8] Luke 12:13-14
[9] Philippians 1:9
[10] 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12
[11] Proverbs 10:17