Abide,  Humility,  Peace

Meekness – Matthew 15:5

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.[1]


Our Father laid a highway for us, a highway leading to a glorious place, a highway paved by Jesus Christ, whom the Father sent to bless us by setting our feet upon it.[2] For Jesus came not only to redeem us from our sins that we might have eternal life but to turn us away from them to a better way, a way that leads us into His presence where we will have joy,[3] a way that brings us into fullness of life here on earth.[4] He came to teach us to turn aside from our self-centered longings and to allow Him to replace our arrogance and aggressiveness with meekness, and how wise are we who embrace His teachings.

For blessed are the meek since they know the peace of God and will inherit the earth.  Such is not true for those deceived by conceit, hardened by unkindness, and enthralled by power over others.  By refusing to put their faith in the Lord, they embark on the road leading away from peace. Their needs and desires consume them in an empty occupation, which brings with it an ever-expanding hunger for esteem, riches, and pleasure and leaves them wretched, poor, blind, and naked.[5] Their insistence on respect from others enslaves them to the unquenchable demands of pride when achieved; bitterness, anger, and disappointment when denied.

Rather than attempting to fulfill self-absorbed ambitions, Jesus offers us gold refined by fire so that we may become rich in the enduring and everlasting character of God.[6] He promises to give us gentle and humble spirits that we might find rest for our souls.[7] For as we allow Him to perform His transforming, sanctifying work within us, we will find we no longer need the earth’s goods and other’s approval to gain happiness.  Rather our happiness will come from knowing and fellowshipping with our Lord.

Desire the meekness of Jesus Christ and pray that each day your heart will become more like His. Lay down your needs and desires before the Lord. Empty yourself of worthless pursuits, possessions, and imaginings, and walk with Him beside the quiet waters reserved for gentle souls.

Make the Lord your joy and satisfaction, and you will find happiness.  For He who lifts up the meek, will hold a banquet in your honor as He anoints your head with oil, and overflows your cup with blessings.[8]


[1] New International Version

[2] Acts 3:26

[3] Psalm 21:6

[4] John 10:10

[5] Revelation 3:17

[6] Revelation 3:18

[7] Matthew 11:29

[8] Psalm 23:5