Meekness – Matthew 5:5
Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth.
Harmony – how sweet the sound, how desirable the thought, yet achieving it often challenges us to the roots of our souls.
We want to be fair, reasonable, obliging, but as we evaluate the events of our lives through the kaleidoscope of our opinions, beliefs, needs, and desires, and turn to the person beside us, who gives them a slight twist, we expect support, accommodation, or acquiescence. However, our brother or sister in Christ may see the situation differently, finding a conflicting interest, putting us at risk of some deprivation of goods, privilege, or comfort.
What happens when our viewpoints diverge, when the strength of our Christian character is tested, and we are called to demonstrate the depth of our commitment to follow the Lord’s teaching to give preference to others above ourselves?[1] Will war break out or will we respond with a God-refined meekness that refuses to blast others in defense of our rights? Will we insist on our own way, justifying our position, condemning the other person as unreasonable, self-centered, or worse, or will we seek the high place of humility and meekness above the fray, ceding the scrimmage, choosing the path of loving-kindness and truth?
By the grace of God, harmony will prevail as we refuse to allow disquietude to indwell our hearts. Rather than giving way to anxiety and hostility, we can seek rest in the Lord, knowing that as we do, His righteousness will shine through us as a light to others.[2] For in yielding with humility, we gain more than the hollow, often Pyrrhic victory that follows our demands for justice and consideration. We gain a spirit of gentleness possible only in those refined by trials, tested by tribulation, and made perfect by endurance.[3] As we live out patience and kindness, declining opportunities to quarrel, demonstrating the love of Christ to those who sojourn with us, showing them consideration, refusing to malign them even when all reason and fairness justifies our cause,[4] we prove ourselves worthy bondservants of the Lord.[5]
Pursue the qualities of Christ, seeking understanding. Put on a spirit of meekness and humility, showing your excellent deportment not only when the people around you are marching to your drumbeat, but also when they are seriously out of step with you, causing you discomfort and loss. Allow the Holy Spirit to transform you, making you gentle, pure, reasonable, and merciful. Sow seeds of peace, and you bring forth a bountiful harvest in righteousness.[6]
[1] Romans 12:10
[2] Psalm 37:6-8
[3] James 1:2-4
[4] Titus 3:1-3
[5] 2 Timothy 2:24-25
[6] James 3:13-18