Forgiveness,  Love,  Mercy,  Truth

Mercy – Matthew 5:7

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

Having stepped into the cleansing waters of forgiveness, we emerged forever changed.  According to His grace, God cast our sins into the ocean depths, and the indwelling Spirit of Love began healing, delivering, and molding us into the Lord’s image.  Oh, how great is God’s mercy to us and how enormous is the sin He forgave us.

As those forgiven much, compassion and forgiveness should flow like rushing water from hearts made tender by the love Jesus planted in their deepest regions, for this love conquers all other emotions and ambitions.  As those desiring to be Jesus’ disciples and to grasp the revelation of the knowledge of God,[1] the breadth of His kindness,[2] and fullness of His mercy,[3] which is beyond our comprehension, undeserved, but desperately needed and joyfully welcomed, we should allow mercy to transform us into servants of Christ.

Having received Christ’s mercy, having seen a glimmer of His unmerited clemency, we hear mercy crying out from within our souls, pleading with us to extend it in love.  For to do otherwise would be as incomprehensible as the servant who, after being released from a massive debt, mercilessly threw into prison the one who owed him a trifling amount.[4]  As we walk in the truth, [5] the Truth reminds us that we are sinners, saved by grace, and grace alone.  We cannot delude ourselves into thinking we are without sin and thereby have the right to cast stones at others.  As Christ, who was truly without sin, would not condemn the woman caught in adultery,[6] so we must not condemn others, ugly as their guilt may be.  We are all guilty, having avoided the penalty for our sin through God’s mercy.

Christ teaches us that those lacking mercy chain themselves to bitterness, malice, and judgment, but we need bind ourselves in no such chains.  We can lay our unholy attitudes and behaviors at the cross of Jesus Christ and receive the freedom He gives to those who follow Him.[7]  With unencumbered hearts, we can extend mercy to others, even those who flagrantly offended or ruthlessly harmed us. 

Arise and lift your face to the sun, allowing God’s mercy, which dawns afresh each new morning,[8] to warm your soul.  Rejoice over the mercy that rains down from heaven upon you, and walk in it, extending it to others with gladness.  Love it; exercise it, and the King will call you into His presence to commend you for your merciful heart.[9]

Gentle, oh, so gentle
Is Jesus Christ, our Lord
He refuses to condemn us
Though our sins His heart deplored

When He asked a piercing question
Our accusers dropped their stones
One by one, they fell away
As the light of mercy shown

Upon our wretched persons
Upon our sin-strewn road
And as our heads, He lifted
He took from us our load

Of shame, of sorrow, anger
Of worry, pain, and fear
And kindly, oh, so kindly
He whispered, “Enter here

“Through the narrow passage
As faith and kindness lead
To a place where mercy reigns
And you are free indeed”

[1] Ephesians 1:17-18

[2] Psalm 103:11

[3] 1 Peter 2:9-10

[4] Matthew 18:24-30

[5] 3 John 3

[6] John 8:1-11

[7] John 8:36

[8] Lamentations 3:22-23

[9] Matthew 25:34-40