Hope,  Joy,  Love,  Mercy,  Obedience

My Heart’s Desire – Psalm 37:4

Delight yourself in the Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart.

The heavens open and blessings rain upon those of us who, having bound our hearts to God through our relationship with His Son, Jesus,[1] delight in Him.  He, though mighty and awesome, is gentle and approachable, ever faithful to His covenant of love with His people.[2]  As an extravagant Father, who cherishes us, considering us precious, He exults in giving us our deepest desires.[3]  By the generosity of His nature, He lavishes extraordinary blessings upon us, and He gives us an overabundance of that which we request of Him when we seek Him with a devoted heart, a heart consecrated to making Him its joy and hope.[4] 

When our love for the Lord becomes so deep and true that we understand that He is the purity that fills our lungs and the nourishment that sustains our bodies, we will no longer pant for that which cannot satisfy, nor will we pursue that which brings destruction in its wake.  Rather our desire will be for the Lord, for a deeper fellowship with Him, a truer faith in Him, a wider love for Him, and a more pleasing nature before Him.  Our desire will be for Him above all else, and out of His tender love for us, He will grant us our desire. 

Blessedly, He inclines His ear to us when we lay our petitions before Him as a sacrifice of prayer,[5] and He changes us, making us holy, leading us in loving-kindness and truth.[6]  When we align our hearts with His, making Him our fervent desire, we will find Him faithful to give Himself to us in fullest measure.  He, who holds back no good thing from His beloved, will pour as much of Himself into us as we are willing to accept, for He delights in filling His people with all the riches of His glory. 

Make the Lord your desire and delight.  Fix your hope on Him, and love Him with a heart that worships no other.  Turn to Him, and He will give you wings on which to ride to the heights of the earth, to soar above perishing things, as He brings you into your full inheritance as His cherished child.[7]  He, for the joy of blessing His children, will fill your soul with that which is good, real, and delightful,[8] causing you to revel in His goodness to you.[9]

In the crucible, the fire
The Father’s love brings us higher
Through crashing waves as oceans roar
He carries us to safety’s shore

Where we rejoice with heaven’s host
And in the joy of Jesus boast
That though the way seemed bleak and dark
Hope forced us to at last embark

To journey where we did not choose
Afraid for all we thought we’d lose
But when we raised our eyes, we saw
In trusting God, we gained it all

[1] Romans 10:8-11

[2] Nehemiah 9:32

[3] Proverbs 10:24

[4] Psalm 119:2

[5] Psalm 10:17

[6] Psalm 25:10

[7] Isaiah 58:14

[8] Psalm 107:9

[9] Nehemiah 9:25