Gentleness,  Grace,  Humility,  Obedience,  Patience

New Behavior – 2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things passed away; behold, all things have become new.[1]

As I stared at the flight schedule looking for my 8 a.m. flight, I realized that my flight had been at 7, and I, having failed to check my itinerary, had missed it.  Resignedly, I went to the ticket counter where I learned that the airline had oversold the remaining flights that day, making my prospects for getting onboard slim. 

My first inclination was to blame the airline.  After all, it had changed the flight’s departure time after months of the previous schedule, but that would not do.  For the Holy Spirit reminded me that I had turned away from peevish and childish behavior,[2] so whatever the outcome, I needed to take responsibility for my mistake.  Having also determined to stop grumbling that I might be a light in the world,[3] I could not even commiserate with the other waitlisted passengers. 

Since I could not fight or complain, I prayed, praising the Lord and rejoicing in the day He had made.[4]  I thanked Him for His absolute sovereignty over the situation.  I knew that as I trusted in Him, I would not be disappointed,[5] and though my day might turn out chaotic, I could trust that the Lord would use the disruption for good since He would decide if I would travel that day.[6]  I could relax in knowing that the One Who perfectly stretched the heavens and ordained their hosts was with me, making my way smooth.[7]  I did get on the next flight, which was an answer to prayer, but my real victory was in responding to adversity, trivial as it was in light of true trials, in a God-honoring way, rather than reverting to unseemly behavior, which I had renounced.  I praised the Lord for that day’s victory though my heart could not deny that in my frailty, such victory would easily elude me on another day should I fail to keep my eyes fixed on Him.

Consider your behavior, and strive for graciousness under pressure, but do not despair when you fail to respond as the gentle, patient, tenderhearted new creation you are in Jesus Christ.  Rather, be assured that as you submit to His Spirit’s leading, He will teach you how to live.  He will transform you, showing you how to demonstrate loving-kindness though frustrations and disruptions abound.  He will empower you to triumph over the temptation to strike out or complain.  He will keep you from untoward responses and improper attitudes, for He reigns triumphant in the yielded heart of His beloved. 

Rather than allowing sin to enslave you, exercise discipline over your spirit and rejoice in your beautiful new Christlike spirit, for Christ has set you free, and you are free indeed.[8]

[1] New King James Version

[2] 1 Corinthians 13:11

[3] Philippians 2:14

[4] Psalm 118:24

[5] Isaiah 28:16

[6] Proverbs 16:9

[7] Isaiah 45:12-13

[8] John 8:36