New Self – Ephesians 4:22-24
That, in reference to your former manner of life, you lay aside the old self, which is being corrupted in accordance with the lusts of deceit, and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth.
Sin is unoriginal, yet we can find ourselves continuing in its pattern though the Lord has renewed us in the spirit of our minds. Rather than demonstrating the beauty of Christ, at times we find ourselves acting like hagridden puppets of the enemy, spewing forth sin’s redundant diatribes. In our anger, we allow rash, cruel words to disrupt the tranquility and joy in our homes. When another pricks our sensitivities, we shift into combat mode, locking into a bitter exchange. On cue, we recite common attacks replete with biting “you said” and “you did” messages.
The tragic irony of these dual soliloquies is that they are often identical from one family to another. Counselors could recite verbatim ninety-five percent of the hostile scenarios playing out in homes tonight. Push the right button, and the prerecorded message erupts for the umpteenth time from the bubbling pool of fury inside, as combatants spout the exhausting phraseology of sin.
Christians need not remain in a verbal rut, replaying worthless and destructive tapes. We have limitless creativity. After all, the One who, after sprinkling them across the heavens, named the stars,[1] created us in His own image. Therefore, we need not allow anger and frustration to reduce us to the inane and redundant. We can be free from joy‑sapping resentfulness if we will obey the Apostle Paul’s exhortation to shed our old, corrupted behaviors and keep from unwholesome talk,[2] choosing our words carefully from those that are life giving and love provoking.
With dignity becoming the son or
daughter of the Creator, wear the garland of grace and crown of beauty the Lord
presents to His beloved.[3] Respond to others,
disregarding irritating words against you, with a gentle answer, touching them
with love and dissipating the wrathful atmosphere ugliness creates.[4] Be free from bitterness,
and walk in your glorious new life, demonstrating on every occasion your
admirable God-given character, which is in the likeness of Christ.[5]
Morning Star, in glory raised
I stand before You awed, amazed
Seeing what Your grace performed
In the heart mercy transformed
For love resides where hatred reigned
Joyfulness consumed the pain
Deep-rooted peace won over fear
And Patience quietly moved here
Kindness chased out cruelty
Bringing Goodness and Fidelity
Gentleness imbued the soul
You granted godly Self-Control
Miraculous the changes made
Glorious the path You laid
Replacing sin and wretchedness
With fragrant fields of holiness
[1] Psalm 147:4
[2] Ephesians 4:29-31
[3] Proverbs 4:9
[4] Proverbs 15:1
[5] Ephesians 4:24