New Song – Psalm 40:3
He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God; many will see and fear and will trust in the Lord.
Sing for joy, clap in gladness, and dance in praise. Set aside the lamentation that weighs heavy upon your countenance, and lift your voice in the new song the Lord puts upon the lips of His beloved, a song of faith to strengthen the sorrowing heart, a song of light to brighten the downcast spirit, and a song of glory to replace the groaning of the devastated soul.
Rather than languishing in disquietude or remaining stuck in a pit of despair and fear, put your hope in the Lord. For the Lord extends His hand to those who call upon Him,[1] helping them out of the sinkhole into which they have become mired and lifting them onto solid ground to safety and security.[2] Thus standing on the Rock of their salvation, those whom Jesus has rescued through love and delivered by grace naturally raise their arms in heartfelt praise and lift their voices in gleeful celebration for the pure joy of knowing the Lord.
Sing; sing a song of gladness. Lay your concerns, conflicts, and trials at Jesus’ feet, and entrust them to Him, inviting Him to give you a beautiful new melody. Allow Him to write His word upon your heart, giving you a delight in knowing that He is your God and you are His child, a delight that bubbles up from the depths of your soul and sings out, “Joy, glory, honor, and praise. I rejoice for the Lord is my Savior, Redeemer, Protector, Comforter, and Friend.”[3] Dwell in His righteousness, faithfulness, loving-kindness, and truth,[4] and speak of the gift of eternal life Christ has given to you.[5] Magnify the Lord, so those around you will see His magnificence.
Sing the new song the Lord will give you if you will open your ears to hear, your eyes to see, and your heart to receive. Sing out of your love for God, and marvel as your downcast thoughts and feelings fly away on your hymn of praise. Sing in gladness, inviting faith, hope, and love to become your companions, and you will join the heavenly chorus that leads others to Jesus Christ, the One about whom you sing.
King of kings, holy, and righteous
Majestic Lord reigning on high
Awe and wonder fill Your temple
Lord, Your name I glorify
Worship is my joy and honor
In exultation, my hands I raise
Everything that is within me
Offers You this song of praise
Sing, oh my soul, sing in gladness
Lift my voice in victory
Light of honor, truth, and beauty
Shine, and draw the lost to Thee
[1] Psalm 84:12
[2] Psalm 27:5
[3] Isaiah 60:16, Psalm 121:7, Psalm 65:9-13, Isaiah 49:13, James 2:23
[4] Psalm 89:1-2
[5] Romans 1:16