New Years’ Resolution – Philippians 3:10
…that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death;
Along with the perennial New Year’s resolutions to “lose ten pounds” and “exercise more frequently,” set a loftier goal this year by climbing toward the mountaintop and gaining the honor of becoming more like Jesus with each mile traveled. Set your sights on the Lord and His holy place and desire to live out Philippians 3:10 by developing a deeper intimacy with Christ, a stronger dependency on His power, a greater willingness to enter into His sufferings, and a closer conformity to His likeness.
Desire these things. Desire more of Jesus and less of yourself, less of you in everything you do, in your thoughts and goals, in your actions, words, and responses, so that He might increase in you as you decrease.[1] Love Jesus devotedly and believe in Him profoundly, so your boasting will be in knowing and fellowshipping with Him.[2] Desire to comprehend in the depths of your soul that every good gift flows from the Lord’s throne; that He alone is your righteousness and strength;[3] and that you can only accomplish excellence for Christ’s when you come to Him as an empty vessel, filled with His Word, [4] seeing His beauty. Grasp the truth that God Almighty granted all power in heaven and earth to His Son, Jesus, and depend on His power, no longer futilely attempting to succeed in your own strength.
Yearn for so true and deep a relationship with Christ that you will trust and obey Him as He leads you to pick up your cross and follow Him.[5] Long to have a selfless spirit that rejoices in the privilege of living in the same manner as He lived, that is, to serve others.[6] Seek after a pure and tender heart like Christ’s heart, so that you will love those around you, willingly sharing in their joys as well as their sorrows, rejoicing as they rejoice, and weeping as they weep.[7]
Resolve that this year you will
advance along the Highway to Holiness, growing in spiritual maturity as you
draw nearer to the throne of grace. Take
on Christ’s holy attributes, and become more like Him with each cycle of the
earth. Pursue Him, so you might know Him
better, depend on Him more completely, and follow Him more closely, thereby,
measuring up to the full stature of Christ.[8]
[1] John 3:30
[2] Jeremiah 9:23-24
[3] Isaiah 45:24
[4] Ezekiel 3:10
[5] Matthew 16:24
[6] Romans 15:1-3, Galatians 6:1-2
[7] Romans 12:15
[8] Ephesians 4:13