Discipline,  Humility,  Obedience

Nothing Left Undone – Joshua 11:15

Just as the Lord had commanded Moses his servant, so Moses commanded Joshua, and so Joshua did; he left nothing undone of all that the Lord had commanded Moses.

Have you done everything that the Lord has instructed you to do, leaving nothing undone?  Have you humbled yourself before Him and earnestly sought after Him?  Have you turned your life over to Him after discarding the unholy, untruthful, and impure, finding them unfit to bring before the King?[1]  Have you dug up and destroyed the contraband hidden under your floorboards and torn down the barricades erected to hide your sin?  Having swept clean your physical and spiritual house, have you invited the Lord to search your hiding places, so He might scour away the residue encrusted in their corners?[2]  Have you put your confidence in God, holding nothing in reserve as you pray for a clean heart and steadfast spirit,[3] faithfully keeping His commandments, remaining steadfast in the truth though the battle to pull you off course rages?[4]

Follow Joshua’s example, and commit to absolute obedience in all that the Lord has commanded you to do, for this is what the Lord requires of those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.  He does not honor halfhearted devotion.  Rather, He calls us to fix our eyes on Jesus and to shed spiritual hindrances as we move toward Christ’s likeness.  Having dropped the weight of our chronic sin, we can finish the race well, receiving the crown of glory that goes to the victorious in Christ.[5]

The Lord sees into the darkest corner of our hearts, so none but fools think they can hide their sin.  For rather than hiding itself, sin erects a barrier that keeps believers from becoming the persons God created them to be in Christ.  Therefore, if you have kept compartments in your heart closed to the purifying light of Jesus Christ, throw open the shutters, so the sun will stream in and bleach sin’s scarlet stains as white as wool.[6]  Set your course in obedience to the Lord’s instruction, turning not to the left or right, holding back nothing from the Lord, and having broken free from bondage, you will enter into the His royal court in victory and joy. 

Do all that the Lord has commanded you to do, and rest from the battle that has waged within you.[7]

[1] 2 Chronicles 7:14

[2] Psalm 139:23-24

[3] Psalm 51:10

[4] Psalm 78:9-10

[5] Hebrews 12:1-2

[6] Isaiah 1:18

[7] Joshua 11:23