One Another – Romans 12:5
So we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.
Just as Christ made us one with Himself when we believed upon Him and received His gift of salvation, He also made us one with our brothers and sisters within His church. Just as we nurture our physical bodies, we are to nurture our relationships with our fellow Christians, for we live and breathe within the same body, not as mere acquaintances or casual connections, but as those inextricably joined in spiritual union.
The way we relate to one another has profound eternal impacts. At the root, we are to love one another, not as the world loves, but sincerely and sacrificially, as Jesus loves us.[1] As this love flourishes, growing ever greater, through the grace we receive when we meet with our Lord in prayer and Bible study,[2] it will drive all else, purifying us, administering peace within our fellowship.[3] It will dissipate our disputes, bringing a spiritual unity that allows us to forgive all offenses as it raises our thoughts above petty skirmishes, freeing our spirits to worship the Father.[4] It gives us understanding and compassion, which bring a burden to pray for others rather than to judge them or to hinder their spiritual growth.[5] It transforms our self-centered hearts, creating so deep a devotion for others that we put their needs above our own. It teaches us to accept others, for just as Jesus Christ accepts us, we cannot turn our fellow Christians away, but rather we welcome them with all of their strengths and weaknesses.[6] It binds our hearts together, so other’s joy becomes our joy, and their sorrows become our sorrow.[7] It opens our arms to those who sojourn with us that we might greet them with affection as we demonstrate our fondness and caring for them.[8]
Aspire to a love-provoked, love-sustained unity within the church. As one who has stepped into the living waters to receive Christ, bathe in the purifying font of grace, so it will wash away any residue of malice or unkindness. Yield yourself to the love of Christ, allowing it to control your willing heart, enabling you to love others according to the Lord’s teachings. Just as one puts on perfume to bring refreshment to others, put on love for those within the body of Christ. Devote yourself to them, and the Lord will cause your loving-kindness and tenderheartedness to grow and abound toward His family, as well as for all people.[9]
[1] John 13:34
[2] 2 Thessalonians 1:3
[3] Mark 9:50
[4] Romans 15:5
[5] Romans 14:13
[6] Romans 15:7
[7] Romans 12:15
[8] Romans 16:15-16
[9] 1 Thessalonians 3:12