Our Refuge – Psalm 141:8
For my eyes are toward You, O God, the Lord; In You I take refuge; do not leave me defenseless.
Our hands would shake, our knees buckle, and our hearts quake if the Lord left us to defend ourselves against our enemies. Nothing could protect us, not our gates, security systems, police, or guns for the perniciousness of our foes, who seek our absolute destruction, is so insidious that they would find a way to break through our fortifications and defeat us. Our preparations would prove to be pitifully inadequate. Like erecting paper walls against tanks, using flyswatters against machine guns, to combat so dangerous a force, our defenses would surely allow us to perish were we not under the protection of the One, who by a word, dissolves our enemies like ice before a fire.[1] We would stand exposed and vulnerable did we not dwell in safety between the shoulders of the Lord, who shelters us, His beloved.[2]
Graciously, in the Lord, are we secure. We can live without fear of sudden attack since we have assurance that the Lord, who watches over our souls, who does not grow faint or weary, will never let down His guard.[3] In the midst of evil, He protects us. As His beloved children, we can take refuge in Him, our shield and sword. We can trust Him to defeat those who come against us, to lift us into His stronghold where we will be beyond harm’s reach.[4] We can breathe long and deep, enjoying the sweet scents of spring and the warmth of summer, for He will cause our enemies’ hearts to melt and their spirits to sink in the revelation of His power and might.[5]
When the enemy surrounds you, do not fear, rather scan the battlefield with spiritual eyes, for it is blanketed with horses and chariots of fire, all positioned to overcome the enemies that rise up to destroy you. Be of good courage, trusting that those who stand with you in the Lord overpower and overshadow those who are against you.[6] Your territory is God’s camp,[7] and you will not be defeated when you stay close to your standard-bearer, Jesus Christ.
Instead of living in fear and defeat, take refuge in the living God. Lift up your voice to announce, “Clear the way for the Lord.” Watch as the Lord transforms your war zones into cities of victory and jubilation, and delight as He reveals His glory for all to see.[8] Know that you are safe, for the Lord, who rules in splendor, upholds you with His everlasting arms.[9]
[1] Psalm 46:6
[2] Deuteronomy 33:12
[3] Isaiah 40:27-28
[4] Deuteronomy 33:26-29
[5] Joshua 5:1
[6] 2 Kings 6:16-17
[7] Genesis 32:2
[8] Isaiah 40:3-5
[9] Deuteronomy 33:27