Our Sovereign King – I Timothy 6:15b
He who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords
Our hearts have room for only one King, one Lord, and each day we decide who will sit on the throne as we ask ourselves, “Who will reign today? Will I reign, or will I relinquish the crown to the duly-ordained King, Jesus Christ? Will I serve my self-motivated desires, or will I lay aside my agenda and carry out the will of the Father, picking up my cross and following Christ?[1]“
Oh, we Christians embrace Christ readily enough as Savior, but too often we refuse to welcome Him as the sovereign Lord who has complete authority over us. With gladness, we sing praises to Him, the King of kings and Lord of lords.[2] We joyfully bow before Him in prayer and lift our hands in worship, yet we often refuse to submit without reserve to His leading and to yield to His direction. We choose the perceived safety of our own plans over God’s flawless design for our lives. We delight in the wonderful future God promises to His children in Jeremiah 29:11 even as we reveal unbelief by clinging to control over our circumstances.
Our desire to make Christ our Lord versus our faltering belief is the dichotomy we face. Our fear and lack of trust go into combat against the truth implanted in our hearts through the sacred Scriptures. We fail to comprehend that Jesus came to give us abundant life,[3] not poverty, not asceticism, not anxiety, not misery, but abundant life. We say that we have committed our lives into the safety and prosperity of His keeping, but our actions belie our words.
Though your resolve to allow Jesus to reign in you may be weak, you can have victory over faintheartedness, for the Lord Himself is your strength.[4] Therefore, fortify yourself for the battle. Meditate on God’s living Word, so you may grow in the knowledge of Christ and grasp the depths of His love. Invite the indwelling Holy Spirit to give you spiritual vision, so you may see the magnitude of His power and understand the sincerity of His desire to give bountifully to you.[5] Allow Christ Himself to strengthen your heart with hope by His grace,[6] and become a faithful subject to your Lord.
Daily, seat Jesus on your heart’s
throne, crowning Him sovereign King.
Make Him your strength and song.
Place your trust in Him, and He will lead you into the fullness of joy.[7]
Bulwark, Refuge, Shelter, Shield
Unfailing faithfulness revealed
Love transcending time and space
Fortress, Helper, Hiding Place
Lifter above the flood and fire
Fulfillment of my heart’s desire
Protector, One on whom I lean
Promise of the yet unseen
Deliverer from toil and strife
Giver of abundant life
Quieter of qualms and fears
The One who wipes away my tears
Dwelling place where I abide
Friend who goes before, beside
The song you taught my heart to sing
My Savior, Lord, Redeemer, King
[1] Luke 9:23
[2] Revelation 19:16
[3] John 10:10
[4] Psalm 118:14
[5] Psalm 13:6
[6] 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17
[7] Isaiah 12:2-4