Our Words – Ephesians 4:29
Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear.
The rush of words off our tongues often overflows the riverbanks and gushes in a torrent into the abyss.
How many words does the average person speak in a lifetime: ten million, one hundred million, a billion? I have no idea and no way to count or even make an educated guess. This I know. I have spoken a great abundance of which far too many have fallen shamefully short of the biblical prescription set forth in Ephesians.
One of the most sin-strewn detours off the road to sanctification is that on which we, having dismissed the guard posted over our mouths,[1] veer when we speak without considering the damage our words may cause. Ignoring the Spirit’s imploring caution, we rush to join or initiate discussions blatantly unsuited to “give grace to those who hear.” How casually we treat the instruction to avoid worldly and empty chatter, although we know it leads to ungodliness, spreading decay like gangrene.[2] Although Wisdom teaches us to limit ourselves to edifying, truthful, and necessary words, we too often find ourselves unable or unwilling to exercise the self-control needed to withhold unwholesome words in a society where silence is awkward and gossip is pervasive.
Though you may struggle to obey God’s standard for grace-giving speech, do not grow faint of heart. While the cost of sealed lips may seem high, the reward of obedience to the Lord is worth any price, for He promises to make those who bridle their tongues into “vessels for honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work.”[3] The good news is that the Lord has provided power through the Holy Spirit to enable us to gain an ever-tighter rein over our lips.
Therefore, place your hope in the Lord, and He will give you the strength to win the battle against an unruly tongue.[4] In faith, keep on the course, which yields a beautiful, life-giving spirit, and know that the Lord will not become discouraged with you when you fail. Rather, as you faithfully seek a heart like His, He will continue His work within you until you stand before Him in glory, perfected by grace and completed by love.[5]
With conviction and determination, seek to become master
over your words, for great is the treasure, richer than finest silver, bestowed
on the one who does.[6]
[1] Psalm 39:1
[2] 2 Timothy 2:16-17
[3] 2 Timothy 2:21
[4] Philippians 4:13
[5] James 1:4
[6] James 3:2