Peace – Luke 2:4
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.
Peace, deep-rooted, inexplicable, wonderful, God’s peace, became ours when we bowed before Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and stepped into the sanctifying pool of grace filled by the Holy Spirit of the living God.[1] As those deeply loved and individually chosen by God, reconciled to Him through Christ, we emerged from the water with the Lord beside us. He leads us into His courts where tranquility reigns in the hearts of those who have tasted and seen that the Lord is good, those who are satisfied with their Father’s kindness and provision.[2]
When we set our eyes on our awesome God, He breathes peace into us, a penetrating peace that neither heart-wrenching sorrows nor fear-provoking trials can shatter. For the Friend who carries us through tribulation, difficulty, and sadness is faithful, and He blesses us in His enduring peace.[3] With Him by our side, we can walk through storms with calm assurance, knowing that He, who quiets the raging sea,[4] will bring us through life’s turbulence into inexpressible joy and imperishable faith.[5] As we grasp the remarkable truth that the sovereign Ruler of the universe loves and cares for us, His peace, which defies explanation in its magnificence, which brings joy to a troubled and fearful heart, becomes our possession.[6]
Abide in the peace that surpasses all comprehension. Call upon the Lord’s name, and share with Him the struggles that attempt to make your heart downcast. Ask Him to calm your trembling soul and to bring your thoughts and desires into agreement with His, for His ways, formed through eyes that know, not in part, but in full, are excellent and desirable. Praise the Lord, and ask Him to do what is best, laying your struggles and concerns before Him, trusting that in His perfect timing, He will bring a beautiful eternal result out of your present burden.
Live in peace, understanding that you are Christ’s friend and joint heir with Him in heaven. Delight in His love, which is purer, deeper,and truer than any love you can imagine. Believe that His devotion to you is wide and profound and that His care for you is tender and sweet. Trust Him and remain steadfast in faith, remembering always that He will never abandon you nor allow anything to separate you from His love. Do these things and you will know His peace.[7]
Indescribable, incomprehensible peace
When did it come so completely?
How did come in the midst of all the confusion and darkness, in a world riddled with sin so odious to the Lord that my soul cries in shame to be a part of the people who conceived it?
Yet it came
And it was free, a gift
But it was not cheap
It was hard to receive. I burned in the crucible of my anger and drowned in the flood of my tears in preparation for it.
And yet, it came
And it is glorious.
It is tangible. I can touch it, embrace it, and see it.
It is mine to keep, and no one, nothing can take it from me. Yet, I can discard it in a moment if I allow a cast down idol the slightest corner of my heart.
It is a prize worth guarding.
A treasure greater than the accumulation of all the wealth on this earth
It is mine. It has permeated my thoughts and imbued my soul.
I cherish it, and I worship the God who gave it.
[1] 1 Peter 1:2
[2] Psalm 65:2-4
[3] Psalm 29:11
[4] Psalm 65:7
[5] 1 Peter 1:6-9
[6] Philippians 4:7, John 14:27
[7] Philippians 4:9