Persevering – Romans 12:12
Rejoicing in hope, persevering in tribulation, devoted to prayer,
Looking back on a particularly traumatic time in my life, I can see the Lord’s shadow as He walked beside me, becoming as a canopy sheltering me from the all-encompassing storm,[1] breathing into me the perseverance to travel on even as my dreams dissipated into the air. He gave me joy in the midst of turmoil for He was my hope, my rock, and my refuge.[2] He strengthened my weakened knees and gave me surefootedness to cross the mountains of loss and fear,[3] and He went ahead of me to make the rough places smooth.[4]
While I would not have chosen such a precipitous path, the Lord allowed me to walk upon it as part of His plan for my life, and in the perfect vision of hindsight, I can see how He took a self-consumed young woman and started her along the Highway of Holiness. He used my painful and arduous trek through the wilderness and mountains to teach me about His love and provision for me. He stripped away much that would keep Him from transforming me through the renewal of my mind, and He imbued in me a hunger for that which is good, acceptable, and perfect.[5]
The start of my trip was a long time ago, and the Lord has taken me on other sojourns into the wilderness as well as on visits to the mountaintop. Through it all, as I have set my hope in Him, He has been faithful to His promise to be with me as my beloved and faithful friend.
Has life led you into a wilderness with no oasis in sight? Do not fear or be dismayed; rather command each step to follow the last, one at a time, as you walk through the barren hills of difficulty. Even if everything around you appears desolate and hopeless, exult in the Lord and rejoice in the God of your salvation.[6] Look ahead expectantly and sing praise in the assurance that the city beside the river is not far ahead. Remain constant in prayer and set your hope in the Lord, patiently persevering and trusting that He who hears the weakest prayer is beside you. He cares for you, and He will gladden your heart, providing all that you need for perfect peace and exuberant happiness, for He who makes the dawn and sunset shout for joy, will surely give joy to His beloved.[7]
Awesome God of heaven
Crowned in majesty
Light penetrating darkness
My joy and victory
Splendid, glorious, and holy
Worthy of all praise
Creator of the sun and stars
That set the sky ablaze
Champion, Protector
Bearing me on eagle’s wing
To show me realms of glory
To teach my heart to sing
Banner of love above me
Shield before, behind
Provider of my hope and faith
Tender, merciful, and kind
Lord of earth and heaven
King throughout eternity
Allow my fainting heart to
Comprehend Your love for me
[1] Isaiah 4:4-6
[2] Psalm 31:1-2
[3] Habakkuk 3:19
[4] Isaiah 45:2
[5] Romans 12:2
[6] Habakkuk 3:17-18
[7] Psalm 65:8