Persistent Prayer – Isaiah 62:6
On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have appointed watchmen; all day and all night they will never keep silent. You who remind the Lord, take no rest for yourselves.
Like watchmen on the city wall, on full alert, listening, looking out into the night, seeking to sense and avert danger that they might protect their precious charge, so we are to watch and listen, seeking revelation from our Lord, praying always, without wavering, without pause, protecting our hearts and supporting our loved ones. We must not let down our guard, growing faint in spirit, praying here and there, wishing for miracles, without imploring God for them. Rather we are to beseech the Lord for His mercy, as we confess our sins and those of our family and nation and turn away from all unrighteousness toward our great and awesome God. With diligence, in faith, we are to implore Him to bless and protect us along with those about whom we care.[1]
If we want to see wonders, we must seek our Lord, revere His name, and make Him the desire of our hearts,[2] so we will not find ourselves laying our petitions before a stranger or casual acquaintance, but before One whom we know intimately and trust unreservedly. We must go before the throne of the Lord Most High, lifting our voices in prayer in the morning, at noonday, and in the evening, raising our petitions to Him, trusting that He will hear our prayers and answer them.[3] We must go with joy and thanksgiving, behaving as those who believe that their eyes will see the marvelous work our kind and compassionate Lord will accomplish for His beloved.[4] Praying, trusting that He hears our supplications and receives our requests, we must be ardent for our cause.[5] We must be zealous in our entreaties to God, believing that He answers the fervent prayers of those who come before Him wrapped in the righteousness of Christ.
From the first day that we set our hearts on understanding truth and serving Him in humility, God heard our prayers, and when the time set in heaven arrives, He will answer them in magnificent ways, ways far superior to those our minds could hope for or conceive.[6]
Pray without ceasing, taking refuge in your God, your strength, your rock, your fortress, and your deliverer.[7] Pray with confidence that He will answer you and show His loving-kindness toward you through wondrous acts.[8] Pray with expectation toward those who put their faith in Him.[9]
Alert upon the city’s wall
Intent that not a stone should fall
Without the watchman looking out
In search of enemies about
Seeking guidance from the Lord
Hand at the ready on the Sword
That no intruder breech the town
Where hope and faithfulness abound
Morning, noon, into the night
In confidence upon the height
Of the wall, he walks and prays
Unalarmed if He delays
Petitions rise, his spirits soar
Eyes undeceived by sin’s allure
He labors and awaits the day
When at last, He will display
Wondrous answers to his prayers
The resolution of his cares
The promises at last made sight
The darkness giving way to light
[1] Nehemiah 1:5-11
[2] Isaiah 26:8-9
[3] Psalm 5:3, Psalm 55:17
[4] Isaiah 52:8-9
[5] Psalm 6:9
[6] Daniel 10:12
[7] Psalm 16:1, Psalm 18:1-2
[8] Psalm 17:6-7
[9] Ephesians 1:19