Discernment,  Discipline,  Humility,  Praise

Praise – Matthew 6:1

Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven.

The temptation to seek praise is almost irresistible to the sons and daughters of Adam.  When we have done some momentous act of kindness or given some sacrificial amount, our flesh desires applause for our goodness and generosity.  However, those who resist self’s hunger for praise are wise indeed.  For rather than squandering the reward for their good works on the brief, shallow pleasure they might get from public recognition, they accumulate treasures in heaven.  Rather than attaining the hollow, clanging victory self-indulgence brings, their joy comes from praising their Father in heaven, the Giver of blessing upon blessing and the only One worthy of our praise.

Yet, in our desire to heed the Lord’s admonition against seeking glory for ourselves, we must not hide our light under a basket.  While we could ensure we receive no praise for our service in Christ’s name by doing everything under a veil of secrecy, we cannot reconcile this with the Lord’s instruction to let our light shine, so that many will see our good works, and we will bring glory to our God.[1]

How then can we stay on the God-glorifying side of the barely distinguishable boundary between showing off and reflecting the majesty of God through yielded hearts and willing hands?  The border is blurred and faded in spots, but God’s grace is sufficient to keep us from sinning against Him.  We can avoid misappropriating His glory to ourselves by putting on the armor of light,[2] pursuing Him, and obeying the Holy Spirit, thereby allowing the Light Himself, Jesus Christ, to illuminate us.[3]  As we walk in humility before our God, seeking His righteousness, desiring to magnify Him alone, the darkness of self-glorification will have no place within us.  For light overtakes darkness, [4] and our light will shine forth like the dawn with God’s glory being our rear guard.[5]

Though darkness formerly entrapped us, we who have accepted Christ as Lord and Savior are standing in the light.  Therefore, let the light of heaven[6] radiate from you as the Lord’s goodness, righteousness, and truth stream from the innermost parts of your heart.  Stand your guard, being vigilant against having your head turned and your heart blackened by praise.  Practice righteousness and kindness, standing as a torch lighting the way to victory, for this is pleasing to God.[7]

[1] Matthew 5:14-16

[2] Romans 13:12

[3] Luke 11:36

[4] John 12:35-36

[5] Isaiah 58:8

[6] John 9:5

[7] Ephesians 5:8-10