Praise of Man – Proverbs 27:21
The crucible is for silver and the furnace for gold, and each is tested by the praise accorded him.
The desire for the praise of others runs deep in the hearts of man, and how we receive it refines or destroys us.
Those thinking themselves praiseworthy step onto a moss-slickened precipice, for the Bible warns that those holding themselves high while ignoring their true Benefactor are positioning themselves for a tragic fall.[1] How much wiser are they who receive praise with grace, guarding their hearts against pride, lifting accolades to the Lord who is deserving of all praise.
Blessed are those, who recognizing the Lord provides every good thing, refuse to succumb to the temptation to steal that for which they have no claim. Remembering that the air filling their lungs, the food sustaining their bodies, and the homes protecting them are gifts from God, their hearts are ever thankful for the Lord’s goodness to them. Knowing that everything they count beneficial, including the minds conceiving their plans and the hands performing their work, comes from the Lord, they praise our heavenly Father who creates all that is valuable and desirable. Recognizing that they can do nothing without Him,[2] they worship Him who alone is deserving of praise, glory, and honor.[3]
When we appropriate to ourselves the praise belonging to the Lord, we are usurping His place on our heart’s throne, and we are worshiping a false god, the god of self. Therefore, guard your heart, and join wisdom’s song, “Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Thy name give glory.”[4] For by lifting the praise of others as an offering of praise to the Lord, we show our Father, who tests our hearts,[5] on whose head we place the crown of glory and at whose altar we bow.
Settling this matter in our thinking will be a to-the-death struggle, for our pride is hungry for praise. Our hearts are so deluded that we even find satisfaction in praising ourselves. Let us not be like Nebuchadnezzar who looked out over Babylon and delighted in that which he claimed he had built by the might of his power and the glory of his majesty.[6] Let the Lord not have to drive us into the fields to dwell with the beasts before we, having finally recognized that He, the Lord Most High, is ruler over all of creation, are willing to exalt and honor Him.[7]
In all things, praise the Lord Most High! Allow the praise of others to purify you as you offer it to the Lord, exalting Him, the holy One, who deserves our praise.
Not to us, O Lord, not to us,
But to Thy name give glory
Let every tongue sing for joy
Let the nations tell the story
Of our Kindness and our Truth
Of our Righteousness and Shield
That the Ruler of the universe
Has His love for us revealed
Not to us, O Lord, not to us
But to Thy name be praise
Honor, worship, majesty
To You, Ancient of Days
[1] Proverbs 16:18
[2] James 1:17, John 15:5
[3] Psalm 145:1-3
[4] Psalm 115:1
[5] Proverbs 17:3
[6] Daniel 4:30
[7] Daniel 4:33-37