Grace,  Kindness,  Love,  Purpose,  Trust

Praying for Children – Psalm 103:17

But the loving-kindness of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him, And His righteousness to children’s children.

Bundles of love wrapped in giggles and hugs.  Thus are the children most of us have intertwined with our lives.  Whether they are our own children or grandchildren, our siblings’ or our friends’ children, these marvelous little people brighten our days and create joy in our souls.  They are extraordinary treasures, bringing so much laughter and tenderness that our hearts overflow with thanksgiving for the Lord’s kindness and grace in enriching our days with them.[1]  Our overjoyed hearts naturally desire the blessings of heaven and earth to pour down upon them, bringing them abundant lives, lives worth living.[2]

Therefore, out of your love for them, pray for the children whom you hold dear.  Pray that they might come early and profoundly into a saving commitment to Jesus Christ, accepting Him as their Lord and Savior and beginning an intimate lifelong relationship with Him.  Pray that they would love Him more devotedly with each passing year as they grow in knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.  Pray that they would make good choices, choosing vocations and avocations in which they would use their God-given abilities to bring Him glory and to serve the body of Christ.  Pray that they would live in a manner that honors Christ by obeying His commandments, remaining chaste and undefiled, and refusing to succumb to the legion of temptations before them.  Pray that they would accept all from the Lord’s hand with grace and thanksgiving, having grateful hearts, not greedy for the world’s goods, being content in whatever circumstances the Lord provides.[3]

Faithfully pray for the children around you, and beseech the Lord to make you and the other adults in their lives powerful influences for Christ.  Ask the Lord to bless them, protect them, and keep them from evil.[4]  Pray that He would lead them into Christ-honoring relationships.  Pray for their future spouses, and ask the Lord, should it be within His will for them to marry, to unite each at the proper time to one who loves Him with a like fervor.  Pray that they would build their homes with Christ as the head.

Help raise the children in your life in the love and admonition of the Lord[5] by praying for them, and the Lord will honor your prayers by blessing them and making His glory and majesty known to them.[6]

[1] Psalm 127:3

[2] John 10:10

[3] Philippians 4:11-12

[4] 1 Chronicles 4:10

[5] Ephesians 6:4

[6] Psalm 144:12