Pride and False Humility – Psalm 29:2
Ascribe to the Lord the glory due to His name; worship the Lord in holy array.
In our journey toward a humble, worshiping heart that gives God glory and honor for everything worthy of praise, many of us will run the gamut of emotions. We may have moments soaring to the heights of self-aggrandizement only to dive to the depths of self-doubt the next, but as we pursue a Christlike humility, our hearts’ condition will change toward a holy, truthful view of our gifts and abilities. We will no longer find ourselves swinging from thoughts of widespread recognition to those of gross inferiority. Rather than desiring acclaim or feeling anonymity is the only way to ensure that God, and only God, receives any praise and glory from our works, not ourselves, we will trust the Lord with that which we accomplish. We will gladly put away blatant, shameless conceit as well as false humility, which is merely another form of pride. As we pursue wisdom and seek humility,[1] we will become vibrant, contributing members of the body of Christ[2] instead of swollen, atrophied appendages.
Be free to rejoice in your giftedness as a son or daughter in the Lord’s family, and let His radiance shine through you rather than darkening His light by egotism or hiding it under a cloak of feigned modesty.[3] Honor Him and Him alone for that which is praiseworthy in your life, and resist the temptation to extol yourself or to hide that which the Lord gave you to use for His good purposes. Having settled in your mind that He is the creator of each good thing,[4] acknowledge that He performs great wonders, not you.[5] Plant the truth in your heart, so you may understand that everything lovely and valuable comes from the Lord’s hand.[6]
As one gifted by the Giver of all that is beautiful and desirable, rejoice in the praiseworthy accomplishments you will achieve, through God’s grace, for His kingdom. Dedicate your gifts to the Lord, faithfully using the creativity, intellect, and ability granted to you, and if you receive praise for that which you will accomplish, bring it to the throne of the Creator, joining with the church in rejoicing in the One deserving of our praise.[7]
[1] Proverbs 2:2-6
[2] 1 Corinthians 12:7
[3] Matthew 5:14-15
[4] James 1:17
[5] Psalm 136:4
[6] Isaiah 41:19-20
[7] Psalm 148:13