Pride Goes Before Destruction – Proverbs 16:18
Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before stumbling.
When we allow ourselves to believe we have reached laudable heights and accomplished extraordinary things by intellect, talent, business acumen, or finesse, we are destined to fall. For dishonor and destruction follow on the heels of a self-congratulatory and haughty spirit.[1] Our delusion will forsake us when the blush of success fades, the transparency of riches makes itself known, or the ravages of age appear. For the Lord declares, “You who live in the clefts of the rock …though you build high like the eagle, though you set your nest among the stars, from there I will bring you down.”[2] Though we may deceive our prideful hearts into thinking we are something we are not,[3] our inflated attitude about ourselves will not sustain us when we must go before a holy God laid bare, stripped of all accomplishments and accumulations.
Just as the rising sun outshines the moon and stars, so the Lord’s brilliant light shines through the façade we erect when we attempt to steal God’s glory, and it exposes the darkness within, leaving us disgraced in our pride.[4] For He, who laid the foundation of the earth and enclosed the seas, the One who commands the morning and directs the dawn,[5] will not share His glory with anyone. Until we recognize that the Ruler of the universe, not we ourselves, is the Giver of every good and desirable thing that enriches our lives, we will never be spiritually prosperous.[6]
Therefore, guard your heart, for the Lord will strip bare
those who, rather than bowing in worship and thanksgiving before Him for the
blessings He bestows, become arrogant and hardened with pride.[7] Thank the Lord with a heart unencumbered by
vanity as you acknowledge His wonderful works on your behalf and praise Him for
His loving-kindness to you. Deny pride dominion
over your thoughts, and humble yourself before your God, knowing that as you
allow Him full reign over your spirit, He will bring you to towering heights of
glory in Him.[8]
[1] Proverbs 11:2, Proverbs 18:12
[2] Obadiah 1:3-4
[3] Romans 12:3
[4] Daniel 4:37
[5] Job 38:4, 8, 12
[6] Daniel 4:25-26
[7] Daniel 5:20
[8] Job 5:11