Pride – I Peter 1:24-25a
For, “All flesh is like grass, and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls off, 25 but the Word of the Lord endures forever.”
Pride in anything, except the cross of Jesus Christ,[1]robs the prideful of experiencing fullness of joy in the good gifts God has given them. For pride in oneself is a voracious, destructive enemy. It disturbs the fiber of those indulging in it, causing their souls to become unsettled.[2] Once self-aggrandizing interludes or hoarded morsels of praise from others pique its interest, pride’s hunger grows,consuming ever more of its devotee’s attention. The more one feeds it, the more pride requires before giving its host a scrap of illusory satisfaction.
At its best, pride can deliver no more than short-lived pleasure since our successes fly away with the setting sun, even for the most gifted and accomplished. They last no longer than the blossom of a day lily. Yet, many settle for vainglory’s counterfeit emotions rather than the delight that comes from praising and worshiping the living God.[3] Too often, we bow down to the idol of our vanity while ignoring the Giver of all gifts’ offer of true, lasting, enduring joy for those who understand that only He, the Creator of the universe, deserves our praise.[4]
Join in the feasting of the saints as they praise the Lord instead of settling for the crumbs pride tosses its slaves. Bring every prideful thought captive to Jesus Christ, and accept the fullness of joy the Lord pours into those who love and honor Him.[5] Rather than giving your mind over to that which withers in a day, rejoice in the blessings you will receive when you make the enduring Word of the Lord your treasure and the joy of knowing Christ your pride.
Break off fellowship with pride,and give all honor and glory to the Lord. Fill your heart with praise for the One who is worthy of our praise, and you will find that rather than giving up a great pleasure, as it may seem, you will be gaining a best friend.[6]
Lord, let me throw my pride, conceit
Into the vast consuming sea
Where my sins lay buried
Far beyond Your memory
Keep me from giving precious time
To what withers in one day
Help me discard the crushing debts
You gave Your Son to pay
Let me forsake this vanity
Which too long has captured me
So I’ll become Your captive
And at long last, I’ll be free
[1] Galatians 6:14
[2] Habakkuk 2:4
[3] Psalm 43:4
[4] James 1:17
[5] 2 Corinthians 10:5
[6] Psalm 25:14