Pure Reverence – Isaiah 29:13
Then the Lord said, “Because this people draw near with their words and honor Me with their lip service, but they remove their hearts far from Me, and their reverence for Me consists of tradition learned by rote.â€
Some sit in churches giving an outward show of piety that masks unrepentant and self-serving hearts, but the Lord will turn these charlatans away at the gates of the kingdom of heaven on the Day of Judgment. Even as they call out, “Lord, Lord,†and speak of good deeds performed in His name, Jesus will respond, “I never knew you; depart from me, you who practice lawlessness.â€[1]
Although their rhetoric and irreverent sacrifice cannot grant them salvation, such people arrogantly put their trust in lofty philosophies and man-made religion, which leave them without excuse for following their rituals rather than pursuing the one true God. His glory is all around; the heavens tell of it, and creation teaches of Him to all who will listen.[2] The way, the truth, and the life spring forth from the pages of the Holy Scriptures, so no one need be deceived into believing that mere church attendance or strict adherence to doctrine has the power to save. Unbelievers cannot justify themselves by claiming they thought their actions pleased God, for God’s nature instructs us that He, who is love, looks into our hearts, not at mere pretenses meant to please others. He tells us that He cares not about empty sacrifice, for He desires compassion, obedience, and a hunger for knowledge and wisdom.[3]
Do not be as the unwise. Love and follow Jesus Christ with purity and devotion, for He, and He alone, is the Pathway to God, and no one comes to the Father but through Him.[4] For in His tender mercy, He poured out His life to reconcile sinners to the Father, so they would enter into eternal life when they believed in Him and received His gift of salvation.[5] He calls the lost to follow Him, and He transforms the stone-cold hearts of those who answer His call into hearts of flesh.[6] He removes rebellion, hypocrisy, and hatred, replacing them with obedience, truth, honor, and love.
As we listen, the Holy Spirit will teach us about the fear of the Lord.[7] As we seek wisdom, the Lord will give it to us along with discernment, knowledge, and understanding.[8] As we take on the embodiment of Christ and dwell with Him, He will strip away our façades, filling us with His love, so we might enter into the limitless joy of pure reverence and true worship.
When we stand before the Lord with nothing in our hands
  Without family, friends, or priest to plead our cause
  To present our case before the only Righteous Judge
     To be weighed against His pure and holy laws
We can tell of ministry and of abundant works
  And explain our gracious acts of selfless charity
  We can report of weekends lending a helping hand
     And mention we attended church quite frequently
The record of our tithes and gifts we may review
  Including proof, we gave much more than ten percent
  We can attest to wise and faithful stewardship
     And show the books on every dollar spent
We can quote the Bible, chapter, paragraph, and verse
  Reminding the Lord of books we’ve memorized
  We can replay the holy sermons that we preached
     To show how beautifully we often eulogized  Â
But all of these things will at once be put aside
  And He will say, “It’s not about the things you’ve done
  For I care about the love within your heart
     And if you’ve believed on Jesus Christ, My Son
For He alone is the way, the truth, the life
  The single Gate to heaven and eternity
  And only those who followed after Him
    May enter Paradise and abide with Me.”
[1] Matthew 7:21-23
[2] Romans 1:20, Psalm 19:1, Job 12:7-8
[3] Matthew 9:13, Hosea 6:6
[4] John 14:6
[5] 1 Timothy 1:15-16
[6] Ezekiel 11:19
[7] Psalm 34:11
[8] Proverbs 2:2-6