Purity – Psalm 24:3-4
Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? And who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to falsehood and has not sworn deceitfully.
We will behold our Lord. We will stand in His holy place and see Him with our own eyes in the full radiance of His glory.
Thus is the promise to us who, having received a right relationship with God by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, wash ourselves in the fountain of truth that it may restore our souls, cleanse our hands, and purify our hearts.[1] As we bathe daily in sanctifying grace, the words we speak, the actions we take, the thoughts we think, will reflect the light of God, and Jesus will shine through us.[2] As our love for the Lord leads us into deeper personal purity, we will be well pleasing to God, and as we consecrate ourselves, allowing the Lord to make us holy, He will count us among those who may ascend His holy hill.
No imposters need approach the mountain’s edge, for the Lord looks deeply into the traveler’s heart, judging its intents, and He is not impressed with the mere appearance of holiness. He will have no fellowship with those who attempt to pass themselves off as holy while refusing to submit to the lordship of Jesus Christ. Rather, He reserves His sanctuary for devout souls who allow the Spirit of the living God to transform them from within that they may take on the unfading beauty of a pure and gentle spirit, which is precious in God’s sight.[3]
Therefore, submit to the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit. Pursue godliness, and the Lord will give you the grace to remain free from the sin that formerly bound you, bringing you no profit while alienating you from Him.[4] Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you,[5] and rest assured that when you step into the cleansing pool and allow the Lord to wash away the stain of your sin, He will make you clean and unblemished, pure as a new snowfall on a meadow.
Through the power of the Spirit, keep the commandments without stain or reproach[6] and the Father will cover you with the raiment of holiness.[7] Lift up clean hands and a pure heart to the Lord, and He, whose faithfulness rises to the heavens, will reward your faithfulness to honor Him through your god-fearing life.[8] He will drape you in the fine linen of Christ’s righteousness and receive you into His holy place.[9]
No dim lit, hazy mirror
Faith at last made sight
Standing in Glory’s presence
In Jesus Christ’s pure light
No need of sun, or moon, or stars
To illuminate the day
In awe and joy beholding
Our Lord in gold array
Not one to judge us guilty
None dares condemn or blame
The scarlet stain that’s been washed clean
Can’t rise to cause us shame
Dressed to greet His Majesty
In robes of royalty
Adorned in truth and holiness
Crowned with His purity
[1] 1 Peter 1:22
[2] 1 Timothy 4:12
[3] 1 Peter 3:3-4
[4] Psalm 24:3-4
[5] James 4:6-8
[6] 1 Timothy 6:14
[7] Galatians 5:16-18
[8] Psalm 18:20-21
[9] Psalm 15:1-5