Abide,  Humility,  Patience,  Peace

Quiet Waters – Psalm 23:2

He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters.

While bike riding at the Jersey shore, I found myself getting annoyed with the people strolling down the middle of the boardwalk making it difficult for me to pass by them on my bike.  The rules were clearly posted that pedestrians were to stay to the right, and it took all of my self-control not to tell them just that or, at least, to give them “The Look.”  Trying to keep in mind that both they and I had gone to the beach to relax, not to run a race, I had to coach myself to hold back, so the joy of the Lord would wash over me as I rejoiced and delighted in the day He had made.[1]

We will all come upon people standing in our way, making it difficult for us to get to the places where we want to go.  Running over them or angrily confronting them are poor options, which will never produce fruit for the kingdom of God.  Rather, when we encounter people or situations obstructing our paths, we would do better to entrust ourselves to the Lord, laying down our selfish desire to have things our way and in our timing.  Just as our cups overflow with blessings from God’s hand, so our hearts should overflow with thanksgiving for His loving-kindness and steadfast protection though obstacles may crop up at every juncture.

Stroll leisurely along the water’s edge, following the Lord as He leads you to a place of rest made beautiful by the glory of His creation[2] and the majesty of the One who walks beside you.[3]  Trust the gentle Shepherd as He guides you to the springs of the water of life,[4] and drink your fill, so you will come away refreshed.  Release your tension and weariness, lie down in the lush meadows beside the quiet waters of His keeping, and you will find peace and rejuvenation there.[5]

Gentle Shepherd, shepherd me
Beside the quiet waters,
Along the hidden bay
Lead me, my Gentle Shepherd
On the straight and narrow way

Star of Morning, shine upon me
Turn away the chilling night
Consume the lurking shadows
And the darkness by Your light

Mighty Fortress, protect and keep me
Within your tower’s wall
Encamp your angels all around me
Armed, magnificent, and tall

My Redeemer, wash and cleanse me
From sin’s flowing scarlet sea
From my soiled, crimson path
Let your joy wash over me

Gentle Shepherd, shepherd me

[1] Psalm 118:24

[2] Ezekiel 34:14-15

[3] Acts 2:28

[4] Revelation 7:17

[5] Psalm 23:3