Faith,  Joy

Rejoicing in our Gifts – Philippians 4:4

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!

The God-given creativity within our souls bubbles up, flowing out in crystal-clear, refreshing rivers, when we allow the Lord to awaken the talent He has given to each of us.[1] Magnificent works emerge from hearts yielded to His Spirit, songs composed, testimonies shared, ministries tendered, and poems written.[2]

Dare we enjoy the luscious fruit born out of faithful use of that which God Himself supplied? Since our human nature will vie for the recognition we know belongs to our Lord,[3] perhaps we should shut off all thought of our works lest we misappropriate the praise belonging to the One from whom our inspiration originates and opportunity generates. However, this denies us joy from what God accomplishes through us to glorify Him and serve His church. Do our own hearts not need inspiration and nurturing?

We need neither steal God’s glory nor ignore His creation when considering the fruit of our labor if we remember that Almighty God freely gives us the resources we use to achieve anything.[4]  Knowing our hands can mold no masterpiece and our brushes can paint no magna opus apart from Him, we can treasure the beauty of whatever He might accomplish through us just as we might treasure a soul-inspiring Christian CD. We might listen to its music repeatedly, allowing it to minister to us while we sing along, worshiping the Lord as its touches our hearts and draws our minds to the CD’s true Creator.  We would take no pride in owning the CD for having had no part in its recording we would be free to glory in the blessings it offers us. If we similarly disassociate ourselves from the praise our part in any work might bring, recognizing that everyone has gifts, though each person’s differ,[5] we would be free to allow these works to minister to us in the same way they might minister to others.

Remembering that God wonderfully and fearfully made us in His own image[6] and that every good thing comes from Him, we can comprehend that we merely hold the brush or pen while the Spirit pours out the inspiration, or we merely open our mouths while the Spirit gives the words. As we bow before our creator, we can join with all of God’s people in enjoying the fruit of the remarkable gifts the Lord gives to His beloved for the edification of the body of Christ.[7]

[1] John 4:14

[2] Exodus 35:31-32

[3] Jude 25

[4] Deuteronomy 8:18, James 1:17

[5] 1 Corinthians 12:4-11

[6] Genesis 1:27, Ephesians 2:10

[7] 1 Corinthians 14:12