Freedom,  Grace,  Praise

Remember Past Victories – Deuteronomy 5:15a

You shall remember you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the Lord your God brought you out of there by a mighty hand and by an outstretched arm.

Before we stepped into the cleansing pool of grace, our fallen natures had enslaved us to the cruel monarch who rules over the powers of darkness.  Having once been slaves without hope of redemption, we stood amazed as the doors of our prison cells sprung open.  When we called out to Jesus, who had laid down the full price of our freedom, He answered us, breaking our chains, leading us out of sin’s captivity into the light.  He gave us liberty and life,[1] delivering us from the loneliness and starvation we knew in the dungeon we had entered in our rebellion, and He is transforming us into people of virtue.  Incredible was the mercy Christ showed to us while we were yet sinners,[2] and clear should be our memories of it.

Lest, in times of trouble and heartache, we forget the Lord’s amazing love, unending care, and unwavering protection, we need to keep the riches of His grace and kindness to us fresh in our remembrance.[3]  When the enemy assails us, we can draw strength from these memories.[4]  When fears would encompass us, we can reflect on the Lord’s destruction of past foes whose intent was to rob our joy.[5]  His peace will enfold us when we dwell on His past faithfulness to carry us through the trials He overcame for us in His love.  As we obey His Word and turn to Him in prayer, trusting Him and giving Him thanks always, in everything, our hearts will be filled with the sweet joy of those who, having known both slavery and freedom, delight in freedom and rejoice in the One who gives it, the One who continues to be our refuge and shield.[6]

Rise above your present circumstances, and approach your days with the faith of those who believe in the One who has proven Himself faithful, the Lord our God.  Look back over the battlefields covered with the enemies slain on your behalf, and remember the Lord your God was the One fighting for you.[7]  Give praise and thanks to Him as you dwell upon the innumerable blessings He has poured out from heaven upon you.  Glory in His holy name, rejoice in His goodness, and remember His marvelous works.[8]                                                                

Remember you were once a slave
Your heart was once an open grave
Knowing only selfishness
Your hunger granted you no rest

No righteousness or joy were there
Kindness and mercy did not dare
To attempt to dwell within
The cold dark prison of your sin

Recall the gift that Jesus gave
Laying down His life to save
And rescue you from evil’s grip
As He removed you from the ship

That sailed upon the Crimson Sea
That kept its crew from liberty
That closed the ears and draped the eyes
Powered by nothing more than lies

One day, He came and broke your chains
Releasing you from terror’s reins
To raise your eyes and lift your head
To give new life to what was dead

To plant your feet upon the rock
That will not fall under the shock
Should mountains drop into the sea
Should lightning snap off every tree

Recall how sweet did seem the sound
Of hearing you were heaven bound
Remember Him who loves you so
That He refused to let you go

[1] John 10:10

[2] Romans 5:8

[3] Ephesians 2:4-7

[4] Psalm 77:11-14

[5] Deuteronomy 7:17-18

[6] Deuteronomy 7:9

[7] Joshua 23:3

[8] 1 Chronicles 16:7-10