Remnants of Sin – Romans 7:24
Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death?
“Legion!” would be my response should the Lord stand before me asking how I would describe my sins after some blatant lapse into uncomely behavior. With the sting of a failure to respond in love burning in my heart, I would be acutely aware of the colossal disparity between the disposition of my Mentor and myself.
Though I long for a pure and tender heart, my old nature continues to show itself in untoward ways. How I long for a gentleness that would have cheerfully allowed the diminutive foreign security guard to search my person and luggage. How I desire that my heart had allowed me to smile at her rather than scowl as I ignored the Holy Spirit’s persistent reminder about my prayers that grace and kindness would prevail when I was provoked. Had I not coached myself to take on graciousness like a covering? Had I not put aside childishness to walk in maturity? Apparently, not this day.
I would despair over my imperfections were it not for the overriding grace of God through Jesus Christ.[1] Surely, I would fear the Lord would strike me down in frustration over my repeated failings did I not know that He is slow to anger and abounding in mercy to those who humbly confess their sins and repent of them.[2] I would expect to be cast off as incorrigible in my disobedience were I not assured that Jesus Christ paid the price for my sins in full,[3] and that He has wrapped me in His righteousness.[4] Therefore, though I continue to strive for purer obedience to the Lord, I need not give in to despair or fear because I know who I am in Christ, just as I know that He knows the flawed, imperfect me, yet He loves me.
Blessed are we who are in Christ. He stands with us against the sin that vies for control of our spirits. He, Himself, is working in us to change our hearts and desires, to transform us into people who reflect His image more closely, and to deliver us from all unrighteousness.[5]
When you fail along the way, remember
God has not completed His good work in you.[6] Therefore, press on,
pursuing an ever-deepening relationship with Jesus, which will result in godliness,
kindness, and self-control, and trust that because of the sustaining love of
God for you, He will rejoice in you.[7]
Oh, for a tender, gentle heart
That utters no reproach, retort
One set by love and grace apart
A heart of a far, far different sort
Where kindness crowds out selfishness
Leaving petulance no place
To shine God’s light, its one true wish
The Way, the Truth, the Life embrace
A heart that loves the passerby
Irksome though that one may seem
Responding not with scowl or sigh
But with a smile, a Christlike gleam
Oh, the joy my heart will feel
Instead of wretchedness and pain
When resting in what’s true and real
When shedding that which brings no gain
[1] Romans 7:24-25
[2] Nahum 1:3, 7, Nehemiah 9:31
[3] 1 John 2:1-2
[4] Psalm 24:5
[5] Philippians 2:13, Ephesians 4:20-24
[6] Philippians 1:6
[7] Isaiah 65:18-23