Discernment,  Judgment,  Obedience,  Truth

Resist the Devil – James 4:7

Submit therefore to God.  Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

Our adversary prowls around like a roaring lion seeking whomever he might prey upon, hungering to devour the one who is weak in faith, crippled by sin, or distracted by tribulations.[1]  He is the mortal foe of those who love God.  His mission is to keep us from living in the joy of our inheritance in Christ, and his passion is to make us worthless for the kingdom of God.

Committed as our enemy may be to our destruction, we are far from defenseless against his pursuits.[2]  As we remain close to Jesus, desiring to receive more of His love, we will feel our Lord’s presence and know His power.  As we welcome the Holy Spirit, He will strengthen us, enabling us to deny the devil victory over us.  As we fill our minds with the Word, arming ourselves with truth, the truth will stand against the onslaught of lies whispered into our ears by the father of lies.[3]

As Jesus did in the desert, we can speak the Word of God, in Jesus name, against the devil’s lies, and as we resist him, he will flee from us, for the devil cannot stand before the Truth.  If he tells you that all is lost, remember that with God all things are possible.[4]  If he taunts that you are unloved and unlovable, listen as God says, “You are my beloved.  I welcome you into My sanctuary and have prepared a lavish banquet in your honor.”[5]  If he sneers that you are abandoned, rest in the Lord’s promise that He will never leave you nor forsake you.[6]  If he throws your failures in your face and tells you that you are not worthy to be called a child of God, praise your Heavenly Father for the assurance that He, having begun a good work in you, will continue to perfect it until the day you stand before Him in glory.[7]

Be on the alert, lest you fall into the enemy’s trap and become incapacitated for Christ’s cause.  In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, rebuke the devil with the Word of truth, and be assured he will run away, for He who lives in us is greater than your attacker.[8]  Use the power over evil God gives to His children.  Resist the devil, commanding in Jesus’ name that he leave you, and he must obey and flee from you.[9]

When our defenses fall, and foes would conquer all

Who is our Fortress against the enemy?

  Jesus, only Jesus

When we’ve wearied of the fight, despairing in our plight

Who is our Deliverer and our Liberty?

  Jesus, only Jesus

When our plans seem shallow and our dreams lay fallow

Who is our Help, our Strength, our Victory?

  Jesus, only Jesus

When ambitions crumble and circumstances humble

Who is the rock upon whom we stand?

  Jesus, only Jesus

When darkness surrounds and fear abounds

Who is the brilliant Sunrise upon the land?

  Jesus, only Jesus

When hope forsakes us and loneliness overtakes us

Who is our Loving-kindness and our Friend?

  Jesus, only Jesus

Who holds us through our loss and sorrow

Who is with us yesterday, today, tomorrow?

  Jesus, only Jesus

[1] 1 Peter 5:8

[2] Exodus 15:7

[3] John 8:44

[4] Luke 18:27

[5] Psalm 65:4 (paraphrased), Isaiah 25:6 (paraphrased)

[6] Hebrews 13:5

[7] Philippians 1:6

[8] 1 John 4:4

[9] Matthew 4:3-11