Rush to Judgment – John 7:24
Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.
How often do we become outraged upon hearing a report of some abominable assault on our values only to discover later that the offense was a hoax? How many times do we make snap judgments based on sketchy information, which later turns out to be untrue or out of context? Too often as most pastors, weary from responding to rumors, can attest.
We need to be on guard not to imitate the sons of Israel who, assuming evil motives, rushed to lay war plans when they learned that their fellow Israelites across the Jordan River had built an altar to the Lord. At least they sent a fact-finding party, which determined the true intent of their brothers’ act of devotion and could thus assuage the concerns of those prepared to march into war.[1]
Rather than rushing to judgment, may our Christian souls be quick to hear, slow to pass on opinions to others, and slower still to anger.[2] Before laying out battle plans or tramping onto the warpath, may we determine the facts and filter them through the Word of God as we seek understanding in order to make wise judgments.[3] May the Lord give us loving hearts that are able to comprehend the truth and to perceive what is right.[4]
After learning the truth and
discerning a righteous concern, we should allow the Lord to direct our actions. He may be calling another to take up His
banner in the matter while we continue in prayer. If He does send us into the fray, we should do
so in a decent, orderly manner,[5] speaking the truth in love, trusting the outcome to Him.[6]
Oh, the turmoil and
dissention the members of the body of Christ would avoid if we would faithfully
bring our concerns to the Righteous Judge first. For rather than sinning as we imperfectly
assess our brothers and sisters’ shortcomings, we glorify the Father when we
allow Him to produce a perfect resolution to the issues that concern us. After all, He, who created all that lives and
breathes, is more than able to bring about His good purpose in every event
under the sun. If His people will call
upon Him and will obey Him as He leads them in the paths of truth,
righteousness, loving-kindness, and mercy, He will bring beauty out of ashes,
peace out of chaos, and loving-kindness in place of hatred.[7]
[1] Joshua 22:10-33
[2] James 1:19
[3] Proverbs 2:3-6
[4] Philippians 1:9
[5] 1 Corinthians 14:40
[6] Ephesians 4:15, Proverbs 8:33, Psalm 62:8
[7] Jeremiah 3:19