Salt – Matthew 5:13
You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men.
Salt in a flavorless world, thus we became when we proclaimed Jesus to be our Lord and Savior, for He, Himself, determined beforehand that He might make the riches of His splendor known to the world through us.[1]
Having received God’s call to carry out His holy purpose,[2] we must consecrate ourselves and dedicate our lives for the sacred work He has given us. Imbued with the attributes of the Holy Spirit and granted wisdom, we must allow the Spirit to transform us into trustworthy and capable servants in the household of our Lord. Thus consecrated, dedicated, filled, and changed, endowed with spiritual gifts and appointed by God, we are equipped to serve our Lord.
Therefore, let us go. Let us carry out God’s commission to perform an eternal work of righteousness. Let us go into the world to walk in it, to season it with purity and godliness while retaining our distinctiveness as followers of Jesus Christ. As those filled with our Lord’s love and empowered to answer His call, let us go to touch the lost, drawing them through His grace to Himself, the Lord of lords.[3]
Let us go, and let us bear fruit, for people need to see Jesus in us since they will not find Him in the world. As those set apart for Christ, our spiritually and morally excellent lives will exemplify the mercy and justice of God, and the world will see the fullness of His majesty through us.[4] As we uphold that which is honorable in God’s sight,[5] we will bring Him honor, and as we yearn to see sinners converted to Him, we will carry the pleasing flavor of Christ and shake out the spices of holiness, differentiating us from non-believers, enabling us to perform a holy service of reconciliation.
Since you are the salt shaking out life-giving seasoning in the world, guard and preserve your witness, which God has entrusted to you through your relationship with Jesus. Be careful how you walk, making the most of your time, so God may use you to liberally dispense the flavoring of Christ.[6] Dedicate yourself to fulfilling the divine mission God has designed for you, and as you do, the fruit of your faithfulness will be goodness, righteousness, and truth.[7]
Let us go where Jesus leads us
Clothed in His righteousness
With hearts ablaze to reach out
To the lost in their distress
Let us reflect His glory
By lives, which He makes pure
Consecrated, light, and holy
Grounded and secure
In the power of His love
To use our yielded hearts
To reach those who are seeking
As we perform our part
By accepting His commission
To sow, to water, reap
A harvest so magnificent
That in joy the angels weep
[1] Romans 9:23
[2] Proverbs 16:4
[3] 2 Corinthians 2:14-15
[4] 1 Peter 2:12
[5] 2 Corinthians 8:21
[6] Ephesians 5:15-16
[7] Ephesians 5:9