Satisfied – Psalm 34:9
O fear the Lord, you His saints; for to those who fear Him there is no want.
Like the Promised Land, ours is a good land, a land of rivers, brooks, and springs flowing into valleys and running down mountainsides, a land of fields, vines, fruit, and honey.[1] In this land of abundance, though most have more than enough to sustain life and health, though our waistlines reveal that our problem is not that we have too little, but too much, we often suffer from dissatisfaction. We want newer, better, classier homes, cars, and accoutrements. Offers barrage us: exotic places to visit, beautiful things to buy, and luxuriant services to receive, and we find these offerings tempting. As we browse catalogues, watch TV advertisements, and window shop, our covetous desires intensify to unsettle our hearts and increase our desire for more.
Those of us who find ourselves dissatisfied need to look beyond the neon lights displaying possessions and comforts in the Desert of Joylessness to view the nearby oasis, the place filled with tropical trees and clear streams, the exceedingly desirable place called Satisfied. Endless longing, crippling debt, and perpetual upgrading have been banished from this haven, for its residents gather at the Good Shepherd’s table, having found that as they dine with Him, they will not want for any excellent thing.[2] Having drunk from the pure fountain and eaten the nourishing bread of eternal life, their souls attest within them that the Lord is indeed good.[3] They rejoice before Him in wonder, casting off worldly pursuits, recognizing that only in Him will they find lasting satisfaction.[4]
If striving after the world’s perishable offerings is distracting you from developing a deeper, more devoted love for Christ and a sustained delight in knowing Him, cease striving. Rather, be satisfied with the Lord’s profuse provision, and allow Him to show you the awesome deeds He will do for you, His beloved.[5] Make your singular ambition to have an abiding relationship with the King and to become part of His inner circle. He will welcome you as you seek Him through prayer, meditation on His Word, Spirit-led service to others, and Christian fellowship.
Clear your mind of the clamorous
and glitzy, and pursue the Lord. Ask Him
to satisfy your soul with His loving-kindness and to make your heart sing for
joy all the days of your life.[6] Desire Him above
everything else and you will not be disappointed, for He will give you peace
and lead you beside the still waters where you will be satisfied.[7]
Beautiful the light that shone
From heaven’s throne
Into the seeker’s heart
Glorious the joy he felt
When first he knelt
As love set him apart
Wonderful the faith that flowed
While God bestowed
The gift of life and hope
Magnificent the songs of praise
His glad heart raised
As he stepped upon the slope
That led him higher
Than all desire
Up to the mountain’s crest
And his soul soared
As he adored
The One who loved him best
[1] Deuteronomy 8:7-9
[2] Psalm 23:1
[3] Psalm 34:8
[4] Hosea 3:5
[5] Psalm 66:5-6
[6] Psalm 90:14
[7] Deuteronomy 8:10, Psalm 23:2