Seeking Righteousness – Romans 5:21
So that, as sin reigned in death, even so grace would reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Darkness whispers that the sacrifice of pleasure and profit required to pursue righteousness is severe and intolerable, but the darkness is a liar and deceiver and the opposite is true. Surely, former lusts and appetites will fall away from those who follow hard after Jesus, but good riddance to them. Rather than resulting in deprivation, righteousness brings untold benefits and inestimable treasures to those who hunger and thirst for it. It offers a welcome refuge from the desert where sin leads its captives. It leads us to springs of grace in the welcoming oasis of Jesus Christ where we can drink our fill and be satisfied. It leaves us wondering why we thirsted so long when the everlasting flow of pure water had laid before us from the beginning.[1]
For we have gained righteousness through the eternal life granted by Jesus Christ, who became sin on our behalf that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.[2] We have gained life itself, exuberant life, a beautiful life.[3] We gained all that is good and desirable. As those delivered from the jaws of death,[4] we stepped upon a way made smooth before us, so we can walk through the trials of life and acquire the freedom and safety that comes with having clear consciences and pure hearts.[5] This righteousness is a treasure, for it brings along understanding, integrity, knowledge, mercy, and wisdom, and together they bring a contagious joy that spills over to those around us. As virtuous lovers of Christ, as those with devout souls, we find ourselves held in positions of honor, living testimonies to the faithfulness of God to those who seek Him and conform to His ways.
As one who knows the beauty righteousness brings to those who seek it, pursue it. Practice it.[6] Put it on like a breastplate to protect you from temptation and to sustain you through difficulties.[7] Let it wash over you like an ever-flowing stream;[8] let it saturate your heart and the territory around you. Walk in it; breathe it, and demonstrate it in the words you speak, the plans you lay, and the activities you perform.
Live and love righteousness. Pour it out to bring relief from the drought that has scorched the territory where you formerly wandered. Follow it, and righteousness will bring you a reward from the hand of our righteous God,[9] for He will be your sun and shield, giving you grace upon grace, withholding no good thing from you.[10]
Flow, waters, flow, in an ever-moving stream
Roll, justice, roll, like waters fresh and clean
Wash purity across the sin-scorched plain
Sow seeds of kindness into the bleak terrain
Throw pride and greed forever to the wind
Cast out the idols and their stranglehold rescind
Take on transforming grace; breathe in life anew
With all your heart and strength, godliness pursue
Putting on the breastplate to protect, sustain
Taking up the chorus and sing virtue’s refrain
As Righteousness alights with beauty on its wings
With contagious joy as the true reward it brings
[1] Isaiah 55:1
[2] 2 Corinthians 5:21
[3] Proverbs 11:19
[4] John 5:24
[5] Proverbs 11:5-6
[6] Ezekiel 18:5-9
[7] Isaiah 59:16-17
[8] Amos 5:24
[9] Psalm 58:11
[10] Psalm 84:11